5 Unbelievable Human Powered Machines Part 2

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Human Powered Machines Featured

5. Vertiwalk http://www.rombout.design/vertiwalk/
4. Taniwha Sub

3. Eta

2. Human Powered Helicopter

1. Ruppert https://www.ruppert-composite.ch/

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, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/bX6ElUSsqKU/hqdefault.jpg



  1. ETA is hard to maintain top speeds but they said 100km/h was easily sustainable. You failed to mention this insane fact

  2. Who says we are running out of space? Take a look at the greater Phoenix area to put to rest that lie.

  3. Why your ch posted the pic on youtube but then when you watch its not the pic or has nothing to do with the picture?. YOUTUBE is doing this or what???. so they can get hits on it I bet I notice this with my youtube ch SMF youtube acting like zuckerberg punk

  4. Tanawasum is the worst idea. Now sharks or whales think you are a fish. They will come to swallow you alive.

  5. For anybody that cares, Ruppert is the name of the company that makes the glider. The glider is called the archaeopteryx.

  6. It should be easy to beat the bike speed record. Just make it a tandem, or even make it a 5-10 people bike.

  7. Total failure concepts… only machines are accepted that reduce human effort!

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