I’m shocked how well this worked. I made an electric pottery wheel from a scrap washing machine and a barely functioning razor scooter. yes, you read that right. No, it didn’t work perfectly. However, With a DC speed control, which I admit I do not have, this would be quite functional.

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1818 Milton Ave STE 100 #1973
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Music: “Quirky Dog” by Kevin MacLeod. http://incompetech.com
#Pottery #wheelthrowing #DIY

, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/WDMR72ltMNY/hqdefault.jpg



  1. Hi great video. Would the original washing machine motor be too strong? I ask because I have an extra washing machine (older) and I really want to make a pottery wheel for zero euro ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น. I'd be very grateful for a response. Thanks again for your videos ๐Ÿ‘

  2. this episode is called "when i don't have a problem, i'll create one. you chopped everything instead using the original position of the electric motor, the wheel and the belt. it was to simple and you had to do it…. stupid

  3. I love this! Iโ€™ve also used the outer washer cabinet shells to make some really cool rolling tool/parts cabinets for my bike shop: swap in a frame made from bed rails (perfectly legit angle iron), beautiful wood drawers, 1/2โ€ thick rubber stall mat for the top, quality 3โ€ castors, tool drawer liner, painted it โ€œoil rubbed bronze,โ€ and because I had or found most of the stuff for free, just makes it extra glorious.

  4. You can place an insulation pipe wrap on top of the splash guard this will make a cushion for your hand.
    Also put sewing machine motor with pedal that works with speed control.
    Overall you did a great try.

  5. Great job! I just had the same idea and wanted to see if it could be done ๐Ÿ™‚ how come you didnโ€™t use the motor from the washing machine? Was it broken? Or does it not work for this purpose?

  6. Great! my old potters wheel motor blew after a lot of trial and error I fitted a DC washing machine motor and a new controller – works a treat!!

  7. rain can go fu itself im sick of rain every time i want todo something outside

  8. what the watage of the razor scooter motor ?
    i got a 100watt 24v motor found in 1 of these similar scooter lying around for year

  9. You just created a giant centrifuge capable of centrifuging gallons of liquids and you decide to make a pottery spinner. Interesting where smart peoples minds go.

  10. I have a GE that broke where the small part ( spindle? ) holds one side of the belt. I guess the part that actually turns the larger wheel.
    I thought about making a kick wheel out of the washing machine.
    I came across your channel when I was looking for someone who has tried this. thank you for doing this video.

  11. I have a GE that broke where the small part ( spindle? ) holds one side of the belt. I guess the part that actually turns the larger wheel.
    I thought about making a kick wheel out of the washing machine.
    I came across your channel when I was looking for someone who has tried this. thank you for doing this video.

  12. Lol it's way to fast . Lol . great job brother super fun to watch . thanks for the video

  13. I just started making a 2 X 72 belt grinder and those treadmill motors would work fantastic in one of those.
    Strong motor, variable speed, the motor controller in with the treadmill, and they can be had for free if you look hard enough!

  14. Brilliant work…. you just turned a load of old ****** into a real potters wheel…. You sir, are a genius!
    Merry Christmas.

  15. โ€œWhich brings us to the woodworking portion of this washing machine razor scooter pottery wheelโ€ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

  16. The post apocaliptic inventor made time ago a video on wiring woshing machine to work as a DC motor. May be original motor of washing machine is more suitable than the scooter

    For the love of god! Before that thing takes your manhood, fit a chain guard!
    Great video.
    Keep up the good work.

  18. Oh my gosh, this was so AMAZEBALLS! I loved watching this process and journey, and honestly made a pretty alright backyard fabrication pottery wheel. Best potter's origin story ever! I look forward to checking out more of your videos. ^_^

  19. Did you say scrap shed๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒI only have access to scrap bin you have a whole shed. ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  20. oh lordy… though who am I to judge until mine is done. I need to make a pottery wheel this spring for the hundreds of pounds of clay I have sitting around, but I'm not going to destroy any appliances or fun toys to do it. 30 feet of steel pipe from the junkyard, a bag of concrete, a couple aluminum castings from beer cans, 1 roller bearing, and 1 bushing, and an used farm motor with a variac should do it… Im challenging myself to do it under $40 and have something comparable to http://www.bigceramicstore.com/lockerbie-model-ek-kickwheel-with-reversing-switch.html?utm_campaign=google_shopping&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=Google&gclid=Cj0KCQiAjszhBRDgARIsAH8KgvexchMyXkQeJl7cQvsnwHzR6Fx1m8XFvxQOql7y2oxof5D9PMNqSq0aAgbwEALw_wcB

  21. @Paul's Garage I found some cheap steel in weyauwega WI. LMK if you want the information. It is all new stock and about the 1/3 the cost of a scrap yard.

  22. Paul… My 2 cents to you. Go to some stores that sell beds and ask for old bed frames or look for them on craigslist. That makes for free or cheap angle iron. Also go to goodwill store or some other thrift store and get a used large plastic cutting board. The white nylon type ones are about 1/2 inch thick. Great video…

  23. A normal light dimming switch should work as a speed control.

  24. The pot exploded because it was spinning too fast. You need speed control. To achieve that without wasting power (or too much power) you need a DC PWM controller. Fortunately Amazon is full of them. Here's an example: https://www.amazon.com/RioRand-7-80V-Motor-Controller-Switch/dp/B071NQ5G71/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1546729501&sr=8-5&keywords=dc+pwm
    And if you need more than 80V/30A you can find plenty others.
    (edit) In fact you know what, I have a few DC PWMs laying around, I'll just send Paul one. It's only 20 amps but should be enough.

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