
PinPointRC Black Box:
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My box boat Ardurover parameters:

Electronics I used:
– Pixhawk 2.4.8 kit from eBay (includes GPS, telemetry radios, current sensor)
– Cheap brushless waterproof RC Car ESCs from eBay
– Motor – search “Brushless underwater thruster” on eBay
– R/C radio – Standard spektrum satellite receiver

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  1. lol im waiting for the camera to pan to the side to show someone behind the scenes slurping

  2. can you make a submarine capable of destroying lionfish? They a big problem over here

  3. oh wow, i'm planning a thing a lot like this! it's a rescue boat that will pack down into itself. this video will be super useful as reference, thank you!

  4. I don't know if it is still a thing, but, there used to be a standing tradition of building early robotics prototypes in tupperware. I got my start by studying the design of Sandwich by David Cook.

  5. I'm 2 years late, therefore, I'm confident that my questions can be answered in thoroughly.
    Q: If you moved the GPS hardware out of the same box as the other electronics and to either a separate box, or put it up higher?

  6. If I have one niggle – Tupperware is a brand name and a particular form of plastic storage containers with patented locking lids. The containers that you're using are NOT Tupperware now do they function as such. You're likely using a cheaper knockoff (NNTAWWT), but in the name of science, words have meaning. You wouldn't call a boiling flask a volumetric flask, would you Pinkman? (inside joke)

  7. But police drones are not illegal tho…..
    if citizens can use them police most definitely can

  8. What is the name of the software you’re using to track the boat on both your laptop and computer?

  9. Good thing you stepped it to 12v those rc car esc's will do that but no more. I have 2 of them myself.

  10. Have you considered the idea of building a high endurance solar-powered boat with which you could make very long routes on the ocean?

  11. You've got a bunch of boats. Let them do a little race

  12. How are the motors able to be submerged? Doesn't it screw it up?

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