The robotic mower Brynolf and his garage with automatic garage door.

A blue rotating beacon is mounted that indicating that Brynolf are out mowing.

A motion detector is also installed which is linked to our alarmsystem.




  1. Brilliant! Beautiful job ! Where are your boundary wires in relation to the front door?

  2. This is a perfect automatic door for the Robo-Home. I will build a Garage for a sileno. It's possible to sent me the plan for auto construction? Thank You fpr response.

  3. Könntest du mir bitte eine Bauanleitung schicken? (Could you send me a building instruction please?)

  4. This is really nice. Its sad but handy manly men are a dying breed. As a lady, I love to see a man that can build something from nothing. Nice Work..

  5. hi, i'm very interresting about your home made garage, how do you made it? how work the automatic door? is it possible to sent me the plan for auto construction? thanks a lot for response. Terry

  6. You did a very good job! I'd like doing the same "robo-home" for my one: may I have a picture of the automatic door? thx!!!

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