In this video I show you some objects the roll uphill instead of down. Then I talk about how it is possible and how it is still falling down.
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Para um terraplaninsta, isso seria a prova que a gravidade não existe
Well it's pretty obvious between the V shape of the ramp and the fat belly shape of the pin that is ruined as the pin falls down between the 2 rails of the ramp it picks up energy there's nothing hes making it out like this is some big unknown thing here jeez I think I'm going to lose Ikey points watching this show today
This is an old kids toy from like the '60s or '70s.
I'm like omg wth
The only thing that is weird is your voice
It’s the shape of the wooden cone he used. Because of the gravity and the way it’s shaped, it’s forcing it to go up
You can still see the CG going down
So, if you have two items which gravity is pulling downward, but if for some reason one item is being pulled down faster, that forces the 2nd item to more upward? 3:56
is it possible to have a series of those ramps making the wood cone ever increase in the height it ends up after say about 20 ramps of similar design one after another?
Thought that was a bong
It's because it's thick and won't fit into the gap
so what happens if i chucked it upwards
Center of mass is dropping. Normal gravity. Nothing is moving "up hill".
And when you want it to go up, it goes down.
First minute was interesting but there were too many examples and it got boring
also.. no this isn't a perpetuum mobile.. as my younger self might think
Am I gravity? because I’m letting everyone down hahaha
My guess is its because of the shape of the rolling object
Edit: kinda right?
I fell up
It's due to the shape of the artifact.
This is why I insists that perpetual motion is posible. It's going to take new ways of combining technology we have discovered.
But, perpetual motion is posible because gravity is perpetual.
This is SO cool! I loved his explanation at the end. It pieced it all together for me
Perpetual energy
This that kind of video that YouTube recommend you from moths ago,
and you finally click on it and Found this channel is very interesting!! 

It doesn't roll up though.
Listen to him laugh after he shows how his science toy works ,it wouldn't surprise me if he's some kind of weird sexual deviant
So the mystery spot is a fraud.
I figured it out in like 5 seconds but still cool
It is because of the V and the shape of the object. Cool
this is how the pyramids were made
I feel like I fell but I'm not touching the ground it's really the thing that I don't know about but after watching this video I know why
Newton: invents gravity
The shape
The shape of the ramp makes it fall up with the part in the shape because of the slants
1) A money prize for solving the EXPERIMENTALLY PROVED mechanical paradox, which is described in the link below:
2) Friction (and the related experimental error due to that same friction) is reduced practically to zero either (a) by using of simple permanent magnet slides or (b) by using of liquid-nitrogen-equipped slides, which can befound in the two links below:
(Note. A cup of liquid nitrogen costs $2 only.)
How to solve the paradox?
It's cause the shape of the object