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In this video we are going to design and built a verticle axis wind generator using an old hoverboard motor.

Previously we have built a horizontal axis wind generator using a brushless outrunner motor from an old hoverboard. The project was a sucess and we were able to get 150 watts of power with wind speed of 7m/s.

Later we came across another intresting design that offers rotation arround the verticle axis. The output power was way more than what we have expected for such a small generator.
So in this video we are going to design and built a verticle axis wind generator using a permanent magnet brushless outrunner motor from an old hoverboard. The rest of the turbine is built using comonly avliable hardware such as PVC pipe and metal tubing.
The schematic, gerber files and the list of components for the rectifier circuit is avlaible here:https://drive.google.com/open?id=13J0mqBVomIx8cV9ERI-wQ9G5bD6aEGxi

Background music by:https://www.bensound.com
NCS Music

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, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qVhA-RGfsEc/hqdefault.jpg



  1. please How do you now prevent water from entering the generator, because i see it exposed to rain

  2. Did anyone else wince at the guard less angle grinder and nonexistent eye protection?

  3. Could you please send me the pattern of bolt hole how big ect also let me get your opinion on a high speed rotation gearbox to maximize the generators output

  4. You need a shutter and a tail> exposing only the cupped blade allowing the return blades to return without wind resistance

  5. Vertigo wind turbine isn't enough to put it on a pole build yourself a slightly bigger circular box with a scoop and a shaft going from the air scoop to one side of the round box with another air scoop for the exit to go out the back and then set the whole box on a axle turntable like device it's on bearings that would be mounted on a pole that will turn around in the wind with a big giant fan on top of the turbine box to guide the turbine into the wind get your most power going into this air scoop or it'd be a great device to mount on a vehicle that's electric to create power for the electric vehicle with solar panels on top without that fan cuz you don't need that thing turning if you just go forward and all the air you ever need to go right through that scoop and be pushed into the vent going into the turbine chamber and pushed out the back of the turbine chamber through another vent need a sign that I know will increase the power of the vertical turbine the air scoop you like a old Victor that plays music out of it but with a rounded bent going around the box to one side and the other round event going other side and out where the air exits the box after powering the turbine cool idea huh with a little extra space underneath the box for a smaller box to hold the generator in place cuz the boxer had a little space between the hood of a vehicle and bottom of the box what area to go around the smaller box that has the turbine in it with a big metal solar panel framed solar panel mounted to the top of the box with a special rack to create power for the electric car as I said before I think this is a cool idea for making electric car off grid I think we ought to create other generators are attached to other parts of the car like wheels and drive shafts to create power to put back in the battery as the power is being used to turn the wheels forward or back whatever the case may be or any movement other vehicle in the drive shaft are in the wheels are forward movement can power more power longer it was solar panels that would power Wall part charging the batteries back up of course to make it off grid vehicle which will make a better for the Earth so the Earth can finally breathe with us society of relief from the toxic gasoline powered cars on the freaking road login Earth environment up no more would Earth have to worry about smog if all the vehicles get replaced by a powered vehicles that actually work doing this kind of repower system guilty into the vehicle a special thing be mounted to the bumper that has two spinning axle wheels that was being able to turn in all the way in any direction as the car turns but has a generator built into them that would generate power as their wheels are rolling in the behind the car and it kind of looks like a Willie bar but the device is creating a generating power that will feed the batteries as well through a charging system that would charge the batteries off the power and super pastors Bank that would cut the initial charge or down charging into the batteries before going back into the vehicle power motor to go forward more power

  6. you could block half of the turbine with something so that only the concave part would receive the wind ?

  7. Yo, give that thing a decent thrust bearing between the motor mount and the blades mount, also, tap a hole in the motor shaft as to be able to tighten the both parts and make proper use of a thrust bearing, that will stabilize the rotor greatly and allow it to spin without wasting energy on vibrations and elastic distortion of the motor shaft… It will also greatly prolong the life of the motor or better said its own bearings, as they wont be subject to forces they were never meant to see in that ratio… Give it some ultra high speed lube for rollerblades and watch the thing remain the same but work 10x better as its supported now… Apart from that, great job boys!

  8. Nice work! Looking at your horizontal axis turbine i noticed it’s blades are mounted incorrectly with the trailing edge facing forward. The solution would be to invert the pitch of the blades and let the motor spin in the opposite direction.

  9. Maybe you can change the blade design so that maximum rotation can be achieved.

  10. nice job, though really you have just created a slender savonius turbine – it cannot spin faster than the wind. You would need to use aerofoils to overcome that problem. The other issue with VAWT is that they are hard to start – so, assuming you moved to aerofoils, you could then have small cups that would ensure that your turbine can start and always turns in the same (correct) direction. The final issue is that they tend to put a lot more wear on the bearings, which fail much quicker as a result.

    Using a cutting disc without safety glasses? Do you not like your eyes?

  11. Good job, thanks you for this content.
    Can you compare the vertical axe turbine with the horizontal one? The power, …

  12. i am looking for about your product place lace me a messages . When I post this, I am looking for more information no this. how get plant to build one build place off the grid come up of thing make power place .

  13. No entiendo. El manguito de hierro, que ponen debajo, por donde pasa por dentro el cable y que deja qe gire todo el conjunto, no gira con ningun rodamiento ni nada, solo gira por puro roce con el resto del conjunto. ¿ No seria mejor poner algo como un radamiento o algo, que lo deje girar sin ser rozando ??


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