Hey y’all,

Come live chat with us tonight at 8p ET during our bi-weekly live chat series, Vino & Vent!! Let’s catch up on the last two weeks and talk all about how we all spent the holidays.

Hope to see you there!

As ever,
PJ & Thomas

, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_oSBoWZtxQs/hqdefault.jpg



  1. Missed the live so trying to catch up! Will start from the end of the Vlog and work my way backwards. Look forward to meeting the newest members to the farm! “Reality TV” is not “reality”! How can it be reality when it is somewhat scripted, they do retakes of scenes etc. As far as the Bachelor/Bachelorette shows go, I find it very hard to feel sorry for anyone who knowingly puts themselves in a situation that will more than likely not meet their expectations! Just sayin’! I need to find a new series to watch so will try some of your suggestions! I watched the movie Joe Bell, with Mark Wahlberg, the other night and it broke my heart! Based on a true story and it brought up feelings of anger, frustration, sadness and yet triumph! Highly recommended, just be sure to have some tissues nearby! As for Anna and Riah’s behavior, I just have to look at the life changes they have been through over the past 2-3 years or even just the past few months! The uncertainty that they in their own way felt wondering if they would stay with you guys. The whole adoption process and the happy, but still anxiety ridden finalization of the adoption. School, being separated from you two and having to learn to navigate life in a new environment. It’s a lot for an adult to deal with let alone a 3 (almost 4) and 5 year old to process! Everything may just be hitting them and they haven’t yet learned the skills to express their frustrations and anxiety’s. However, they are in the best possible home for them to receive what they need unconditional love, understanding, compassion and guidance to freely find their way through all the emotions and know they are supported! I firmly believe the 5 of you were brought together simply because it was meant to be! One more thing before I close, we are all born with our own creative abilities! PJ’s falls into the artistic, designing realm and your’s Thomas seems to be in the area of writing, also an art in it’s own form. What I have seen through your Vlog is that you both have very kind, caring, beautiful souls full of love for each other, your family, friends and for all manner of humankind and animal kind (if there is such a thing)? Anyway, I have taken up way to much of your time! Take care! Much love and big hugs!

  2. Thanks guys for this week's vlog.
    Re: Colton and the Bachelor. I can see both sides of the argument whether he should or should not have been there.
    My take.:::: I'm ok with what he did because it opens the door about homophobia in sports. This is a start .!!!

    So I commend Colton and Tom Daley for coming out in sports . It might make it easier to be who your are. I was so disappointed in Colton's high school football couch and his lack of response to Colton's coming out. Very disappointing ….
    Come on guy … you are a leader in Education…. If this you leading, then I'm disappointed . You should not be there.
    SORRY guys … too verbose in my reply.!!
    PJ, I'd hire you in a moment to do renovations to my home.
    Thomas … I only wish I had a fraction of that full head of hair.
    Any ways … have a great week and happy New Year.

  3. Real estate in Sydney Australia has gone crazy in the last 2 years! It’s very difficult to find a decent home on a standard size block for under a million!
    Even apartments are ridiculously expensive at the moment!

  4. About the red in the candy cane being blood . . . keep in mind the communion received each mass (or service) is the body of Christ . . . yum – cannibalism ! About "love", I'm an old man, been homosexual since my first boyfriend when I was 4 and he was 5 . . . at any rate, about love, in my life I've come to understand the love is an experience defined differently for everyone – kinda the emotional snowflake . . . no 2 alike.

  5. When someone asks for love/relationship tips, I reply by asking what they are having trouble with. It helps to provide direction.

  6. I live in coastal central New Jersey and my younger sister and her husband are looking to buy now and every house they find in the 450-500 range, they bid on it and all the people running out of New York are swooping in and buying the houses right from under them with cash sales. It’s been ridiculously frustrating . The prices have rocketed because of people running from the cities because of the pandemic.

  7. Here is the thing, you will hire someone to clean and you will never be happy with how they clean so you will end up paying someone and then going behind them and cleaning it right

  8. First off I would Like to thank you all for all your video's ! I hope your Christmas was wonderful and I hope you have a safe New Year's ! You all are so wonderful and so cute ! Love you guy's Keith !

  9. Enjoying your channel, guys. A couple years ago, on the suggestion of a doctor friend I and a number of friends (wine-lovers all) switched from wine to Tequila & Soda (in moderation) — tequila being lower glycemic (less sugar) than wine. A year later, ALL of us have lost weight and BP is lower. We still enjoy a rare glass of red or white with a given meal, but finding the switch to T&S has improved our health and outlook on life. Happy New Year!

  10. Legend has it that the candy cane dates back to 1670, when the choirmaster at the Cologne Cathedral in Germany handed out sugar sticks among his young singers to keep them quiet during the Living Creche ceremony,” Schildhaus says. “In honor of the occasion, he bent the candies into shepherds' crooks.”Dec 7, 2018

  11. Wine can be a way to cope with things. I was drinking moderately ( 2 glasses a night-which is considered fine for men) and developrd atrial fibrillation. I am quite sure that wine contributed to that condition.I have other conditions that may have contributted to it.)Havn't had wine for 3 years and really don't miss it. At first had afib once in a while. My doctor advised me to stop alcohol, but I didn't and it just got worse. Finally had an ablation.Thanks for sharing your wonderful lives. You are an inspiration for many people.

  12. Danny from the Real World was so cute. It was great for representation.

  13. I haven’t seen the show (either the new one or the one he was on originally).

  14. I think Thomas meant January 2022 instead of the 2022-2022 school year starting after the summer in 2022.

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