14 shoes instead of tyres………
See Beckys video here https://youtu.be/1F2ywqzlBd4
See James video here https://youtu.be/TZX4tiPpxW4
Get yourself the New Colin Furze Calendar and loads more at the Merch shop here. https://www.colinfurzeshop.com
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For this one its all library music but useually from veiwers yo.
In a band? Want your music on my videos! Send your tracks to furzemail@yahoo.co.uk as all music on this channel is from viewers.
#colinfurze #bicycle #YTMakersSecretSanta
, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jRmdssX9l2g/hqdefault.jpg
Its Secret Santa Time so enjoy the trail of 12 videos you can go on. See you all in the new year when first on the list is connect that tunnel to the house hahahaha.
Forgot to say that The Q done this year ago?
is it
or is it
This is so cool!
Colin my man, can we get something with a pulse jet it's been a bit
Never gonna fit in a bike? Penny-farthing!
i dont see a reason why
This reminds me of the bootwheel of death from Megamind.
One inventor to another. I challenge you to make the heat engine on my channel. If you do I will add your name to it.
James Buton Wheel sound quite nice!!
I had a similar idea to make wheels that can change diameter for storage on a folding bicycle
Weaponized autism
Merry Christmas Mr Furze
If you use only left shoes, will it pull to one side?
this vid looks old but is recent i think the new generations would be confused or think this is what 2021 looked back then >_>
Thank you bekie
Colin you should make a flamethrower windscreen defroster for the British weather
Cracking Furze. Merry Christmas mukka.
This guy reminds me of one of Ron Weasleys brothers.
what is the car at 7:16
This guy is living the dream I didn't know I had
Becky's thing is shit. Might as sent Colin a stocking full of oranges
Those kids boots give me flashbacks to being a child and being terrified first time I saw the video for Another Brick in The Wall
finally, there is use for my sister's many shoes
Nobody. I mean nobody, puts ketchup on a hot dog. ~ Harry Callahan
got rid of the mustard and tomato onions? sacrilege! i bet if she had sent you sabretts hot dogs packed in dry ice with sauerkraut you'd have swapped them for some crappy british version of bratwurst with boiled cabbage…
edit: ex-NY in texas being clever.