QUÝ KHÁCH HÀNG MUA HÀNG LIÊN HỆ TRỰC TIẾP : 0988628901 (Nhật) Nông cơ Nhật Sông Ray    Chuyên : Sửa Chữa – Mua Bán :                 – Máy Cưa Xích                 – Máy Phát cỏ                 – Máy Xịt Thuốc                 – Bình Xịt Điện         Và Các LoạiContinue Reading

#Wood_Cutting #Tractor_Project #science_project #diytractor diy tractor wood cutting | @ApnaVilla | cs toy | sahil ips | KeepVilla ​@ApnaVilla Your Queries: mini machine Keepvillla mini tractor mini tractor video mini tractor trolley mini tractor toy tractor machine tractor machinery tractor machine dikhao tractor project easy tractor project motor tractor projectContinue Reading

Data transmission using LED lights is possible. A distance of 30cm is effectively achieved using this LIFI Demo kit LIFI transmission is described using USB-TTL modules from pc to pc & then actual project is shown using Arduino UNO boards. #LifiCommunicationbyArduinoUNODownloadProject 2020 #LIFI-WIRELESS-DATA-TRANSMISSION #LiFiHighwayNavigationSystemFinalYearProjectIdeas For further details, please communicate usingContinue Reading