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June 9th, 2009 by Patchy
In this Vblog, I demonstrate a simple project that anyone can do with an Arduino. An Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform that utilizes an AVR microcontroller and a simple I/O board. For this project, I use a python script running on my computer, which monitors ARP poisoning on the network with the use of Ettercaps ARP Cop plugin. If ARP poisoning is detected, the script will communicate with the Arduino through the USB port, and the Arduino will turn on a LED. This way a user can be quickly informed when their network is under attack.



1 Comment

  1. This is awesome, I got an Arduino laying around here so I might try it out!
    Can you imagine how cool this would be as a commercial product, people that run a public wifi can be notified when somebody is doing bad things! 😛

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