This is the instructable instructions for this current sensor

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  1. Tienes algun tutorial para aprender a programar las pantallas OLED? Aun no he logrado programar una.

  2. What type of sensor is that? I'm tired messing up with potentiometer-float type sensor in my cressida.

  3. what is the resolution of the that fuel sensor level on the video? around the millimeter or centimeter range?

    i want to buy it to read the coolant reservoir liquid level in the car, but i don't know how detailed the sensor can detect the level change. very hard to find the information about that

  4. Hi, are you able to publish a correct schematic. There was a error there. I'm trying to replicate your system. Thanks

  5. I'm looking into something like this to monitor water levels in my water softener tank, using a tube with a pressure sensor at the top. As the water/fuel rises, the pressure at the sensor would increase. I got this sensor but haven't tried it yet. Search on ebay for " MPS20N0040D-D Sphygmomanometer Pressure Sensor 0-40kPa DIP-6 For Arduino ESCA"

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