1. Do the Landroid need WiFi everywhere in the yard?

    Or is it good enough if it has WiFi at the basestation?

    What will happen if it looses WiFi half way down the yard?

  2. Have you tested the 6ah battery?

    How many feet can you go with 14 ga cable for boundary.. I order 3 units for 3.2 acres of open flat land .. I plan on splitting it 3 zones

  3. Guys, thanks for the videos you've done on the Landroid, they were really helpful.
    Sorry I won't be buying from you, as I'm UK based. So literally you do the best Landroid videos in the whole World 🌎

  4. Very helpful video. My Worx Landroid M500 (WR141E) came with a 2Ah battery. Will the 4Ah battery work with this mower?

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