This week I work on getting the old square body Chevrolet k10 ready for surgery . I also sell off one of my machines in order to gain some needed floor space, Thanks for watching !!
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  1. Nice of you to help and support an upcoming future engineer/machinist. Traditional skills like in industry are declining as manufacturing continues to move overseas and CNC/CAD technologies become ubiquitous. verseas and CNC/CAD technologies become ubiquitous

  2. The things we do to keep our old trucks on the road. I have had to do some of this on my 88 chevy, 83 F250 and 02 F250

  3. I learned that the door hinges had replaceable bushings. I'll have to check if my old Dodge truck needs them replaced.

  4. Does anyone else think of Bob Ross and his "happy trees" when Steve is narrating? I enjoy the dialogue as it is like a two-way conversation with an old friend.

  5. Hi Steve, I was just wondering if you or somebody could give me the link to that stubby screwdriver ratchet kit. The one you used on the fender wells. Thank you.

  6. You should have ended with a nice red hot coal fire in the wood stove,

  7. after the metal repair do the Mustie1 bar chain old trick. Awesome under coating, If not sure contact him and it works awesome

  8. I had a 78 chevy big 10, it was rusted worst than that and that was 20 years ago, I sprayed it from the molding down with flat black spray cans. The stinkbugs are really fun when they crawl inside a power tool and you fire it up not knowing, stinks up the whole shop.

  9. I would just lift off the radiator cap and drive another truck underneath it. BTDT never again……

  10. Hey now, those aren't holes in the fender liners, those are custom cooling vents. If a guy had those in his truck, there's no need for that fancy AC. It would also double as a foot wash for a guy in the rain. You should do the right thing and just ignore it all…It will be fine…no…no it won't. LOL. Good stuff!!!

  11. In 2005 when our Rod Shop was back in Ohio, we did a '59 2d Impala convertible,,,all we had to work with was the frame,fire wall, and hood (@@) ! Most people would have crushed,, but was the customers father, and had spent it's intire life in Coral Gabes FL,,,One day I will find time to post some of the full restoration we have done on our channel. Ole truck is coming along,,,Bear.

  12. Btw. I never even knew what a shaper was until I saw your video. Then I found Adam. Abom 79. I'm not a machinist at all. You and Adam and few others that I have found inspired me. I love fabrication. Now manual machining

  13. Great channel Steve. I always love your content. Been waiting for videos on the the old Chevy.. it's got a four speed manual. Short bed. The truck needs new metal almost everywhere. It's an awesome truck. If anyone has contacts at LMC. Let's get this thing correct. Steve if we pull this together you better be ready.

  14. Not a fan of anything Dorman. I've had those bushings break, just sliding the pin in. Last door pin job, I ended up making my own bushings. Be interesting to see the sheet metal repairs. Here in AZ, we are seeing our cars rusting out now because of ADOT salting roads.

  15. I had a 1982 Datsun King Cab. I always thought that I would replace it's rusting out bed with a flatbed. Just a thought. I got a Suburban instead.

  16. Yes, it's bad, even though you've seen worse … Just as if you told a cancer patient that this situation isn't so bad for you, I've seen people who have died of this disease …

  17. @ 26:42 It's looking better already…
    I left a hole in the top of my wing…
    It was GR8 4 letting U know in Winter if the road was just wet or FROZEN
    As soon as water stopped come out the hole U knew U was on ICE…

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