more information & code:
Second version using a sabertooth 2×60 motor controller. The two 24V/250W motors are too weak and cause an unstable behaviour. Therefore they will soon be replaced with 500W types.




  1. Very nice, I am looking to build a zero turn mower that can handle the weight of a person however I am having a hard time finding brushless fwd/reverse/regen. Can you let me know where I can find a 2kw motor and controller for this so i can essentially tank steer like a regular zero turn? Any help is greatly appreciated. thanks!

  2. Hello ! The Segway is fabulous and so cool.
    I'm a undergraduate student at RGIPT (An Institute of National Importance) in India, and I want to make a Segway for myself. So can you send me all details regarding Segway and arduino code for a reference so that I can decide from where I have to start and what will I need to make. It will be very helpful for me.
    Thanks a lot in advance.

  3. Hey i think the segway came out extremly cool! I'm currently in a higher technical collage and for my thesis i want to build a segway myself. I wanted to ask you if you could send me the arduino code so that i have a reference on what i need to programm and how it should look like. Thanks in advance!

  4. I am not sure about the battery weight, however you could try putting the batteries lower than the wheel shaft under the platform, maybe even adding more weight with some metal. This small change would help in decreasing a slight load on the motors to balance out. Real segways are heavy and the heavy parts are placed like that.

  5. Sorry for the late response (I could not answer because using not google chrome…).
    There are a lot of internet sites for the necessary parts of the program (kalman for complementary filter, pid-control and the different gyros and accelerometers. I'm using an ADXL335 and the analog gyro LY530A but you can also take the combined MPU6050, which I use for my little 2-wheel balancing robot. It's much cheaper and simplifies the electronics…
    I hope I can finish my segway in the next months. I'm just too lazy going to a company for welding the needed new motor-holders…

  6. Hello! Yes, your calculation is right. The greater your teeth sprocket, the "stronger" your Motor (higher torque). I'm using a 68 sprocket at the moment and I'm happy with the maximum speed.

  7. post script: 2x10A doesn't mean, that the Driver doesn't deliever more than 10A for each Motor. For short time the driver is able to deliever quite more when needed 😉

  8. I'm using the analog accelerometer ADXL335 and the analog gyro LY530AL. For my small self-balancing robot I use the digital MPU6050 sensor, which combines gyro and acc and can be recieved for less than 10 USD 😉
    I've calculated the needed momentum and power for a segway and the conclusion is that 2x250W Motors are too weak for an adult… Therefore I'm a bit skeptical concerning the results of the others. But you could try it with the 350W-version…. Good luck, stoppi

  9. Hello! Yes, in this Video I'm using 2 x 250 W Motors. At 0:17 for example you can see that the 2×250 Motors are not strong enough to accelerate the segway sufficiently. My daughter doesn't weigh much (about 40 kg). Therefore I wouldn't recommend 2x350W Motors. The stronger the motors the more scope they have. So I'd buy at least 2x500W types. You wouldn't get satisfied with your "heavy weight" 😉 Good luck, stoppi

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