1. "Aluminum" is objectively the correct spelling and pronunciation. People who make discoveries are given naming rights and that was what he chose, after initially calling it "Alumium" before changing it to "Aluminum". Some idiots just wanted it to conform to other -ium elements, like magnesium, despite alumina not having a second "I" in it.

  2. YES the British are not the only ones hehe… aluminium!!!!!!!! We need a revolution for all Americans. Now we just need you all to embrace metric

  3. Great video, but you could just chain the trailer up and drive off.

  4. This isn't a slight against Wranglestar, I just find it amusing that LPL picks most locks in the amount of time it took Wranglestar to figure out how to insert the actual key.

  5. That would work for common entry level thief. Buddy at work had his trailer stolen, and the wheel were off , the hitch was lock. The professional ring thieve use big rig tow truck.

  6. Dude it don't matter how big the lock is of lock shroud like you said resolve,resolve so the weakest point it the key entrey time and time again people will find a way,…how about simple AutoZone tow lock and then take the wheels of it duhh

  7. What would preclude a person to provide their own safety chain connect to chassis? πŸ’ƒπŸΌ

  8. Looks nice but I wouldn't put it anywhere out of earshot. With an angle grinder you could get thru that aluminum in a few minutes and be on your way. A hundred bucks for the stainless steel lock sounds pricey but its going to be well worth it if you are leaving your trailer someplace someone wouldn't be worried about making noise.

  9. loops in the chains seem to make it easier if someone had a short piece of chain to put through and loop over the trailer hitch.

  10. I could take that trailer in less time than it takes you to back up to it and connect. All I need is a 3 inch or so drop hitch without the ball….instead of the ball, I put a 1-1/4 x 8 inch full thread bolt in there with the nut on top, the extra length sticking up. Now I just lower your trailer onto it, using the area behind your ball latch, and in front of your jack, my β€œthief’s pocket” and drive away. A mile or two down the road I cut off your device and properly hook it up to my truck. Not that I’ve done that, that is just how I would do it if I was a thief- which I am not.

  11. the LPL's videos are addictive. My trailer hitch is bolted to the frame, so I welded it to the frame to stop it being removed by less desirables. as for aluminium or aluminum, the history of the word is well known, and both can be considered correct, the earliest wording was actually alumina, but later a scientist by the name of Davy (who also gave us the names potassium and sodium) initially referred to it as alumium, but later changed it to aluminium to conform with his previous wordings with ium, but somehow the yanks adopted the word aluminum, mainly because the American Chemical Society officially adopted the term aluminum in 1925 and it stuck, well it stuck in North America, most of the world refers to it as aluminium. you yanks love to pervert the Queens English, colour and color is a classic example πŸ™‚

  12. They can just cinch up your safety chains to their hitch with a boomer and drive away to where they keep a set of torches. But like you said, they look for targets of opportunity.

  13. ONly thing I would do is.. black out the orange puck face. Maybe 2… wrap the chains around the jack a few times to take up some slack.

  14. I go for multiple layers on our trailer. Hitch lock, hitch latch lock, I lock the chains around the jack crank so it can't turn to raise or lower the jack plus that secures the chains from easily being used. I also throw a tire claw on one tire.

    edit: Thank you for the good review, that looks like a sweet lock!

  15. Another layer or in a hurry- a locked chain through the trailer wheel β€œspokes” and around the trailer axle ,
    Or a second chain on the other side of the trailer
    Also around axle and through the wheel (s).

  16. Yah it looks nice but suprizing coming from the lock pick lawyer, is it lock pick proof? Can a 5 dollar lock pick set pick the key hole in that thing? If not then Im sold. But I guess the main thing is that 99.99% chance no one dares mess with that, Probably try these for my trailers.

  17. Can he be trusted? Yes if he isn't trying to pick your house locks

  18. There are easily accessible bolts sideways holding chains. Why not removing them and installing new ones?

  19. If you watched his video's then you should have seen when he drilled the 303 Stainless Steel version of that puck lock

  20. Dont know if the aluminium (the english pronunciation) would stand up to a little abuse to get at rhat pin,cordless drill and hss bits tear it apart, id have to go for stainless to be confident!

  21. Makes totally sense to buy an extremely expensive lock…. Made from aluminium! Umpf

  22. why that video name am lost..its like ya tempting ppl to make like ya gonna prove he is wrong but u dont actualy say or mean it but ya just write that so ppl watch …how sad

  23. telling millions of ppl where u go each year with ya dirt bikes no point bothering with locks there is no lock out there that can take 60 seconds of brute force i can open any lock in 1 min with tool

  24. heck NO! I wouldnt want this guy near my house, my truck, or my tool box. I want him put on a space X ship and sent to mars. He can pick all the locks he wants over there.

  25. An aluminum lock body? That's laughably insecure. There's a reason it was $100 cheaper. It doesn't matter what kind of lock you have in there, a couple minutes with a blowtorch and that lock will be a puddle.

  26. I trust LPL more than you. I stopped watching your videos because you started trashing on people.

  27. Paying homage to the best lock picker out there and increasing your security… that's a sub. Thanks for this.

  28. 6:24 to 7:38 you slowly get blinded by the auto exposure on his camera just rising up for no reason

  29. The Proven Lock puck lock is not recommended by the LPL who, instead, strongly suggests the Mul-T-Lock puck since the Proven puck can be easily defeated by a drill.

  30. If you want the best lock, get a Abloy Protec2. LPL can't pick it.

  31. It is handsome, it looks complete. Would be perfect if you had one of those thick rubber hats on the bolt head that they have on bikes. Nice setup.

  32. 5:58 – What about the bolts holding the safety chains in? Are they welded or something? Not that I steal trailers, but I would just unbolt your safety chains, hook some of my own up and tow it that way, because you said it could be done via the safety chains.

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