Episode 25. Jimbo unpacks the new Speeduino NO2C and explains the new plan to get the street legal go kart back on the road. Bonus, Bonus, Bonus,…Jimbo flexes and explains a previous project .

Feel like binge watching?….Check out the previous 24 episodes!

Robot Cantina
P.O. BOX 392
Michigan Center, Mi 49254

, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ICMYxJxGr0E/hqdefault.jpg



  1. i am working on the speeduino soldering video for the Trabant like rn <3
    first the 600ccm 2troke and then when that works the LIFAN-2V78F-3 <3 nice to see you use the same EFI!
    i got the 0.4.3C board with dual sparkplugs for 2 Piston and old 2N3055 drivers <3
    we need fuel efficiant smal cars for the future, nice that you are keeping it on the road c:

  2. Turbocharged 420cc would be more interesting that the supercharged 420cc. Or you could twincharge it 🙂

  3. You could use a double CVT with s jackshaft in the middle, would give Much greater gear range

  4. iam shaking…mak8ng stupid typos all b3caus3 my last robot cantina vid is 2 weeks ago…. so pls i need my shots… 😈😛

  5. I love coming back to your channel to see what you’re tinkering with next. Definitely inspiring

  6. "I do have a electronics background"

    Me: Dies a little with having degrees in the wrong fields

  7. I find it hard to take seriously all these commercial products and projects that just connect to an Arduino when it would be far better to include the microcontroller (and maybe the programming hardware) on board instead. All those interconnects are a place to go wrong and just having the chip on-board would be much cheaper as well as more compact. I have no idea how Arduino turned from a prototyping platform (which it is amazing at) to the core component for things that should be based on a bare mcu

  8. Howdy Mr. Cantina, I need some serious help. I have a Heald Hauler, that somebody dropped a vc460 into, and it had some kind of cvt belt running back to a Comet transaxle. I opened up the Comet because, the back axle was bent to hell, and the inside of the Comet looked like a bomb went off. All the spur gears and whatever you call them were in pieces. I'm not very mechanically inclined, but I can generally figure stuff out if, it just takes me literally forever. So I don't have anyone I can really ask these questions too, and the stupid googlator can only show me images of gearboxes and transaxles that are RADICALLY different from what I'm looking for. All I can say is I need a transaxle that has a shaft that comes out for the cvt thingy, and 2 other holes for the axles to plug into it, (which I'll be replacing as well.) I'm not finding anything along those lines, and I could really use some guidance. At the very least, maybe you can at least tell me what I need to type into google to even remotely get me pointed in the right direction, because I'm only finding the wrong directions.
    Edit: I definitely need it to be a forward, neutral, reverse type too, I've figured that much out.

  9. forgot the 50 dry flies tied between soldering components.
    Did you consider an electric supercharger?
    Kinda through a curve between ignition module and igniter but I guess the ford coil made up for it.
    If I remember correctly the module can perform some advance and retard but isn't the Arduino capable. Oh – oh I see, you need an igniter.

  10. Suddenly went from feeling very under qualified to do any of this myself, to grossly under qualified to do any of this myself after showing your previous project

  11. That was a V4 board shown when you said UA4C the UA4C is a full SMD baord and uses a molex connector rather than the IDC connector

  12. You should use the injector on the throttle body to inject something to help with inlet air Temps. Methanol maybe?

  13. I think the supercharger will work nicely, considering most small engines are low compression to begin with. I suspect an intercooler will be added, once the 1st overheat occurs. Mind your thermodynamics!

  14. @4:14 Reliably turbocharging an engine is just a matter of setup, regular oil changes and proper care. Don't give it the beans until the heat is on. 😉
    @4:24 That is not a big picture, just a different engine. 😀
    @4:32 Easy, bro. 😀

  15. I just read your whole swap thread on the 1.3 after hearing it, I swear I have seen that car locally once or twice in SWMI… Or maybe when I was out that way. Should tell the story on YouTube whenever you need some content. Would be a good video.

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