Take 20% off your SimpliSafe security system AND your first month is free when you sign up for the Interactive Monitoring service. Visit https://simplisafe.com/april to learn more!

Thank you also to Solidworks: Check out the Maker offer from SOLIDWORKS: https://discover.solidworks.com/makers?utm_campaign=202108_glo_swks_InfProgram_en_XCMP1691&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=influencers&utm_content=yt&utm_term=april
20% off ‘buy now’ link for my viewers: https://r1132100503382-eu1-my3dexperience.3dexperience.3ds.com/welcome/compass-world/3dexperience-collaborative-innovation/3d-sculptor/buy/offers/Influencer20

In this video I’m showing you how I installed plumbing, with hot and cold water, for an outdoor shower. Having a shower outdoors in the hot Texas summers feel amazing! Be sure and check out Part 1 of this project, which covers building the structure.

Watch Outdoor Shower Part 1 here: https://youtu.be/FJMnn0tEIfs
Find the Outdoor Shower Plans here: https://bit.ly/3sDnE8k

Check out my original video on the Outdoor Shower I built for my parents here: https://youtu.be/dT42lIspPGs

How to sweat copper pipe: https://youtu.be/KmPCiCHOyVw

Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3gfe5YL | Website: https://wilkerdos.com
Watch the newest videos: https://bit.ly/3hBOdaf

Things I Used in This Project:
ISOtunes Ear Protection: http://bit.ly/2YuZBtr https://bit.ly/2Cf6OXP
Stealth Mask Respirator: https://bit.ly/3pYLGrm (use code APRIL for 10% off)
DAP Dynaflex Ultra Exterior Caulk: https://amzn.to/3gyAal5
PEX Tool Set: https://amzn.to/3mKAwJb
Soldering Torch: https://amzn.to/3gD5QWa
Valve Box: https://amzn.to/3zqOXVZ
PEX Elbows: https://amzn.to/3kphchG
PEX Tees: https://amzn.to/3mKBbKF
PEX Barb Clamp Rings: https://amzn.to/2WsLuYv
Compression x 3/8 stop Valves: https://amzn.to/3zr4e9k
Compression x PEX Stop Valves: https://amzn.to/3BidFbJ
PEX x Hose Thread Stop Valve: https://amzn.to/3jm9Gok

Website: https://www.wilkerdos.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=257047
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wilker_dos
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wilkerdos

Watch more videos!
Shop Projects: http://bit.ly/2vSoEw2
Outdoor Projects: https://bit.ly/2Tma2kP
Most Popular: https://bit.ly/3du8kof

Want to support me? Support the companies that support me:
Triton Tools: http://bit.ly/2jaC0dD
ISOtunes: http://bit.ly/2YuZBtr
Armor Tool: http://bit.ly/2PjJuKJ

Welcome to the official April Wilkerson YouTube channel! I’m April and I’m the creator of Wilker Do’s. I am an obsessed DIYer and Woodworker. I’m not professional or have any training, so I just pick the project I want to tackle and figure it out step by step. On this channel you will find a variety of content like DIY home improvement, How-To’s, construction, design and more!

#AprilWilkerson #outdoorshower #plumbing

, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2YxP3lZXRok/hqdefault.jpg



  1. April this is one of the easiest designs with the greatest looks that I think that you have done. Very beautifully done!

  2. Are sharkbite style connectors permitted by Texas code? I do the odd diy plumbing in my house, and let me tell you – I'm not going back to sweating / soldering copper. For the extra cost of the fittings, the hassle of maintaining my pipe soldering skills so the joints don't leak is worth it!

  3. Hi, April. I bought a 2-acre land I Houston Texas. I hope to build my house from scratch. I hope to learn from you

  4. What did you do for drainage of the dirty water? Rocks and sand? or just let it run onto the grass?

  5. Great job April, this is such great information and step by step instructions that anyone can follow. We just became aware of your channel and love what you're doing!

  6. Really want UV protection for the PEX, and where I live it seems better to have thick insulation for freeze protection, perhaps heat tape (does that work for PEX? Maybe on an outer galvanized protector?).
    I'd go deeper with the trench and put cheap concrete paver blocks and surveyor's tape over the pipes. First person doing e.g. landscaping who chunks their shovel into the ground…

  7. You can add an outdoor deep sink for gardening.

  8. Hi April. Excellent video. I never knew pex was so strong. Looking forward to seeing future projects. Good job.

  9. You should cover the vertical pex lines coming from the house with painted PVC, or something to protect them UV and a string trimmer.

  10. I could be wrong, but I think pex will degrade when exposed to sunlight for long periods. I live in CA and some of my plumbing and my water heater are outside under a covered porch. I had a contractor replace a broken line and I asked about having pex installed because I thought it might be cheaper and faster. He said since it was exposed to UV, pex couldn't be used, so we went with copper instead (original pipes are iron). Maybe that's pex-a or something? Anyway, something to think about.

  11. Perhaps I am overlooking something but it seems to me that it would be difficult to drain from your low point without a means to vent.

  12. You did not indicate to check for power lines in the wall before you drilled your pilot and final pipe holes.

  13. Hey April, what happened to the bloopers you used to put at the end of your videos? I really miss them.

  14. Beautiful! The only thing I would have done is put another wall on the outside right that comes back to the center of the front pad in order to add a little more privacy. My girls would require that. 😉

  15. I see I'm not alone in scorching the paneling when sweating an under-sink fitting. Even the professionals do it from time to time. 😉

  16. What was that white goop you put on the shower head pipe before screwing on the shower head (8:07)? Some liquid Teflon tape?

  17. How are you going to keep people from seeing above that shower, what if a random person was flying a drone over your shower, are you going to cover it with a Tarp?!!

  18. I would think a 1-1/2” ish LB and pipe from the electrical section would do a lot to protect those pipes, it looks like an accident with an errant weed wacker would be all too easy with those just hanging there

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