From here It’s getting serious. I might try it out on a spare V8 or an engine that’s not just a single next before I get to work on the rest of the engine. I’m going to be perfecting this over the next few weeks and ironing out the code and the limitations in the processor- Who knows, I might put that year of a CS degree to work and build a self learning valve optimization plan.

I also want to work on the solenoid design, as that’s a bit more interesting than just copying Freevalve.

This is in the early stages of prototyping- but all of the files for this project are open and available to download. I’ll be updating this as I go along and will update the files and the code accordingly. For now, they can be found here. I’m always open to getting other opinions, so I welcome you to download and improve them.


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  1. you could program by taking press buttons on the rods and test at all rpm levels. then input that into a repetitive loop with an arduino and boom modulation of valves

  2. How about a 3 cyl Daihatsu 660cc EF engine ?
    were building a rally truck on a kei truck and plan to eventually run it in a charity event from uk to mongolia.

  3. Probably a bit late, but photo-resistors have a very slow switching speed which can make a light encoder like that not work at anything above very slow speeds

  4. When he first tried to start unsecured engine , I was laughing. When it started and ran well , I was not laughing anymore. He is a very talented person. NO FEAR .

  5. In past research i discovered I could speed the valve up by increasing the voltage but shortening the time to fire.

  6. It took me way too long to realize that the reason Wesley needed to glue magnets into the crank wheel is because it's plastic. Up to that point I was all but yelling at my screen, "Just put a magnet behind the Hall Effect sensor!" ?‍♂️

  7. Great job …need us an program with…some variation curve..time and open valve….give the paipal acount…
    I live in panama….the 99% of people only see nexflix…?

  8. Just had an idea. What about "magnetic cam" that pushes or pulls on the valve? Basically a conventional cam but frictionless

  9. Well? You’re an engineer without the papers. Paper is pretty much useless unless you’re writing or using it as a spacer in my opinion

  10. It’s kind of strange that America has Briggs and Stratton; but people buy small engines from China. That doesn’t make any sense. But B&S is pretty much staffed by morons, so I guess it’s no surprise that their engines suck. It’s still a shame. Maybe an outside company could design their engines, and B&S would just assemble them. Or maybe B&S makes terrible gasoline engines on purpose, so that people will be quicker to buy electric motors. The big money people are going to ride that electric wave for all it’s worth. I can’t wait for the suck-ass electric Harley Davidson motorcycles to come out. Harley products are a horrible value, so I guess their crappy overpriced electric bikes can’t be any worse.

  11. ?️ You need to get with the guy that's got the Harbor Freight engine in the Honda Insight and y'all can work some magic together ?

  12. You may want to add a retaining ring of metal around the magnet timing ring, or else those magnets are going to fly off from centripetal force.

  13. Is there some fundamental benefit from using air to actuate the vales over a traditional cam? I can understand the benefit of electronic controlled valves but pneumatic seems to just be a more complicated and error prone mechanically controlled valve. Unless I'm missing something.

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