(I set this meeting to full screen mode.)

Al and Jeff had a discussion before the recording started. We equated forward velocity, rotational velocity, wheel base, minimum turning radius and steering angle. And talked about steps to make it work.

This is the code that converts rotational velocity to steer angle.

It won’t let me post the code.
Go here: https://github.com/rst-tu-dortmund/teb_local_planner/blob/0d242c0aff4f81b4ff5d67d7e4f970a8f454ad4a/src/teb_local_planner_ros.cpp

And search for: convertTransRotVelToSteeringAngle

00:00 Jeff: Summarizes the discussion we had before the recording started.
03:20 Al: Asks for clarification about how the modified cmd_vel message is interpreted. Actual scaling.
12:10 Al: Says he thought he had to know the recovered rotational velocity.
Talk about verifying requested angle to actual path driven.
15:20 Does the joystick need to be rescaled?
17:40 Al: Talks about his second IMU.
20:00 Al: Is going to add his second rear wheel speed sensor on the right side.
21:20 Jeff: Give update. Reiterates the story of the intermittent eStop switch.
23:45 Jeff: Goes through his whole “run-away robot” story and maybe some fixes.
27:45 Jeff: Mentions a second generation remote control system to come.
28:35 Jeff: Talks about blowing fuses on the main motor and adding current monitoring.
36:25 Jeff: Talks about scaling the new current sensors.
37:20 Jeff: Talks about maintaining the new YouTube videos.
38:10 Al: Expresses optimism after we talked about steering angles.


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