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  1. I remember watching this years ago with my grandpa, i miss those days

  2. Wow braided fishing line can support up to 1800 lbs. I think I'm gonna hang myself with a braided fishing line since my weight is only 90 lbs. It's hurts too much to continue living.

  3. This is really eye opening I’ve fished braided line for years both fresh water and salt water but never really put much thought into how it got to the shelf I appreciate the effort put in to making the line much more now it’s battled many large fish in conditions that mono would’ve failed at that diameter really cool episode thanks much appreciated

  4. Now thats Cool ! i use braid almost everyweek for my fishing and now i KNow Thank You Sience Channel / Paul Roger Nilsson

  5. Talking about braided lines and I'm still using monofilament.

  6. Why does the most interesting subject always pop up when I need to sleep.. Thanks YT

  7. Braid is good but you need mono for trout and line sensitive and pressured fish.

  8. I always wondered how does the manufacturer of the line make the line into a certain strength, such as 10lb, 15 lb, etc…Hoping it would be covered here, but did not see it. Cool video though.

  9. I will never complain about the price of fishing line again. It takes millions and millions of dollars of factory equipment and engineering and 10 days just to make 7500 yards of line

  10. I'll never see the same way a How It's Made segment is shown now. DaThings makes them even funnier in YTP form. lol

  11. I’m kinda surprised it doesn’t cost more now that I’ve watched this

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