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  1. A long time ago, I had a similar system. I used magnets to keep a city map on the inside roof of my old Chevy truck. It came in very handy, as I delivered pizza back then. Worked great.

  2. "If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy" ?

    Keep your stick on the ice…… ?

  3. I use a much simpler method. I print out the directions from Google Maps…duct tape the page to the steering wheel, and I'm good to go. Works every time.

  4. Heck yeah. Reminds me of good ole days time long ago now. Set watch pbs.
    Yelp to-good ole days wasn’t that long ago but compared to now. Holy moly.
    Red love the show then and still do. Stay safe.

  5. Oh shit you still make me laugh
    Come to thunder Bay l buy you some drinks I'd love to chat and pick your brain. Your one of the coolest guys I've never met been watching you for as long as I can remember.

  6. Rule number one, everyone is stupider than you are. You were stupid enough to get lost. How is asking someone even stupider than you for directions going to change the situation?

  7. I would add the extra step of covering the map in plastic wrap (or if you have the money, laminate it) to keep it from being ruined by rain, snow, or a bird with exceptional aerial bombing skill. ?

  8. “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” -Bill Gates

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