Go to https://NordVPN.com/hydraulicpress and use code HYDRAULICPRESS to get 66% off a 2 year plan. Protect yourself online today! Which is the safest jack for lifting up your car? scissor jack, floor jack, bottle jack or jack stand? We tested that with our 150 ton Hydraulic press!
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Do not try this at home!! or at any where else!!

Music Thor’s Hammer-Ethan Meixell

, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7_fqF09QQjc/hqdefault.jpg



  1. I believe the "Golden Rule" is 3 X's safety margin. So if the Jack says it will lift 2 tons it should only fail at 6 tons. Now there are a lot of variables to consider. The age of the equipment, level ground, ect…Most likely the valve on a hydraulic jack will bypass fluid long before you reach the "Golden Rule" margin.

  2. 8:38 – I am confused.. can anyone help? 5ton on the label, 25ton total… why does he say "safety margin of 5"?

  3. Your test on the trolley in not valid.. You did not have all 4 wheels supported….

  4. Bottle jack is 6 tons compared to 2 ton scissor jack, and 2 ton floor jack. So divide that by 3 and you'll still get around 4.5 tons per 2 ton jack. About the same. The specifications for quality control out the door is 4 tons for 2 ton jack.

  5. Everything withstood beyond the rated capacity, yet they're weak because it 'should' stand 10x more than that ?.

  6. Scissor jacks are really dangerous. Had one fold up on me while I was lifting my car up and it pinned my hand between it and the frame. Would have been stuck there for a hot minute were it not for my brother in law. I avoid those like the plague.

  7. Just pay attrntension HOW idiotic he said pressure! Can't belive, cave's man in 21st century!

  8. "WINTER IS COMING SO IT'S TIRE CHANGING SEASEN" Who the fuck change tires byhimself? Extremely stupid sentence from a stupid bumb like you are!

  9. From experience, I recommend to never trust a scissor jack. I've had one collapse on me before.

    (Thankfully I had the spare tire underneath the car so I didn't get hurt)

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