Will you make power with an eBay Supercharger? In this episode Marty and Moog install a system to see if the claims on the box actually turn into real world power. But they need a new car to work on and only have $100 to spend…

For discussion, and a thorough technical article by Jenga, check out this link on the Mighty Car Mods Forum: http://forums.mightycarmods.com/showthread.php?16503-*New-Episode-ELECTRIC-SUPERCHARGERS-Mythbusted&p=280845#post280845

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, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/cbGWgvJN1_8/hqdefault.jpg



  1. So in theory, I could modify a leaf blower, cut off bits of it, rig it up to an intake and then use it to increase power. Hmmmmm…. FERB, I KNOW WHAT WE'RE GONNA DO TODAY!

  2. You’re losing power by having a T joint instead of a Y joint with the leaf blowers. Your power is blowing against eachother. If the air was blowing down it would be even more.

  3. It doesn’t work very well on a car braid it 1970 car they were totally different on fuel injection

  4. To pressure air into a compressor chamber needs a strong engine which is why a big turbo is pointless on a non suitable size donkey

  5. Your cars naturally aspirated air that's forced down an intake at high speeds dosent get you three times the power y wud a 12v silly fan do any power increase.blows my leaf when ppl spends money on stupidity when theyve no idea what they're doing.ppl on Ebay should get done for false advertising and theft against a moron that buys it underdeception

  6. Just shows it's only plastic mechanics on here. They didnt even get a proper supercharger sticker. Haha assholes how do they expect power from the thing without a sticker. Go to school

  7. might also have been good to clean air filter and probably check you arent losing the pressure in the airfilter anyway – its not really a high pressure friendly system

  8. Most likely the supercharger is just not putting enough air in to boost the pressure and the control chip doesnt know what to do even if it did

  9. its not a turbo, turbos are driven by the exhaust, this is a supercharger, most were done via the crankshaft. No lag

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