Building an electric bike isn’t easy, especially when using unconventional electronics, such as a drone motor. After 3 years of development, I have a bike that I’m finally happy with… but who knows what I’ll change next…
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All those speed upgrades & no talk of improved stopping power. I’m no engineer, just a motor head that knows breaking is just as important. Plus get a real motorcycle helmet. I’d hate to see all that knowledge lost to a helmet designed for impacts under 30mph.
Next time water cooled Electric bike
how would you go about building one without the CAD capabilities?
nice video & valuable info! do you know the max discharge rate of yellow LiIon cells you used in your packs?
hay can i use a car battery
hello, do I want to buy a controller and a motor? or fully electric bicycle???
Bagus baget bang
I have an electric kick scooter with 2 x 1kW (1.6kW pick) power, yes its acceleration is pretty decent.
The hub motor might be better but yours sounds way cooler ?
Me: I really like a look of that mountain bike, but I haven't heard of the brand. I wonder what they cost?
*looks up the price* ?
That is not a cheap bike.
That bike looks awesome. Now you need a solar charger you can drag behind you or something.
Don't you run into problems of being legal tho? Building a full electric vehicle you WILL need to treat it as a motorbike.. tax, registration, insurance, MOT.. be careful
It's so much fun to do all these kind of projects… but I'd probably need another house to store all the necessary tools for them.
What kind of workshop do you have? It looks pretty impressive with all the 3d printing, wood and metal working tools you have.
How to build an electric bike:
1. Own an electric bike factory.
One of these days…
So you recommended getting one of the premade kits do you have one you recommended because they are pretty expensive
I'd like to do
You got some money into these bikes.
The wicked bladder archaeologically note because polish ethnically appear barring a well-off clam. dry, unwritten sound
"Built from scratch" meaning you bought the bike, motors, belts, batteries, esc's, pulleys… but hey gotta start somewhere.
Motor Watt?
Total watts cost ?
two wheel drive
wait a min how did you do 3d model from 3 pictuer and using what software can you show us that ?
Thank you from a non-engineer who greatly appreciates your way of explaining things within the reach of ignorant people like me.
I enjoyed watchiing this – Well done
now a similar setup to the front wheel with 12kw motors each and u can go over 50mph but its gonna have to get rid of the normal drive and use a lot of batteries
i dreamed about having a electric metal saw motor in a motorcycle those fuckers make 1500nwtms of torque so it could have 5:1 ratio on the rearwheel and damn it would spin like 1500rpm at 300nwtms of torque
?give me this motor set to me bro for free ?
whats the name of the motor
Just put in a bafang conversion kit.
Real nice video! Just to all of you interested in doing yours, be aware of your country laws and responsabilities in case of accident. In my country (france) this bike would need a numberplate and insurance.
Fun bike but illegal in the UK
So you made a motorcycle?
At what point does it become an electric motorcycle