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In this video I show you what happens when you try to get close to 1 drop of a neutron star. I tell you how a neutron star is made and then also talk about different types of stars and show you a method that you could use to actually get very close to a small drop of a neutron star!

If you use the information from this video for your own projects then you assume complete responsibility for the results.

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  1. I've seen several videos now. And now this. I was like: what the hell, this can't be real. Can it?

  2. I saw a video about neutrons, below a certain mass, neutron star material just becomes random neutrons and they start decaying with a halflife of 14 minutes, 39 seconds.
    Releasing incredible amounts of energy every second.
    If it really was Neutronium, the thermal radiation from your little cube would pretty much end all life on Earth in the first second.

  3. This was funny and I was like what a boat would way more on another planet with more gravity so it could sink eser.

  4. Shouldn't the sphere be just compleatly black
    (due to the event horizon, where the escape speed is > c, so that even light couldn't escape)

  5. The topics are cool but i can only tolerate one video every couple months because of the accent.

  6. Never ask:

    A women her age

    A man his salary

    How the hell this guy got the hundred billion kilogram neutron star into his house and how the magical stand isn't breaking if the drop can go through a fucking table

  7. You COULD touch a drop of a neutron star…if you don’t mind becoming part of it.

  8. WHERE DID U GET A NEUTRON STAR? I call this slightly bullshit if there r no scientists nearby supervising the use of such material

  9. lol that was great acting. But… like… I dont think the water would just FLOAT onto of the neutron star…

  10. Ah yes . Anything that has to do with proving gravity is always fake . Incredible how no one can demonstrate gravity . Gravity has nothing to do with buoyancy you say? Maybe gravity is bullshit and everything is just density and buoyancy. Don't get how people don't think , hmmm a helium balloon is lighter than air so that's why gravity has no effect on it. So wait. So if it's not lighter than air then it stay on the ground. So why the fuck do we need gravity to explain anything, oh ya that's right … It's to cover up all the bullshit lies about space . They are genius to have the smartest people in the world be the ones to teach you about astrophysics cause we believe them cause they are smart . But they are brainwashed. They believe wait they are teaching cause there is answers with math behind it. But anyone can make up math to explain harry Potter magic . People even do the math to make sense of super heros strength and stuff . So you can make up shit with math to back it up and it be completely fake . That's what space is. It's completely fake. That's why you can't find actual photos . Uh oh I'm going to piss people off lol . If you are upset then maybe you are a little bit in denial about what you believe. Otherwise if I was wrong it would not bother you .

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