Doc reviews the EGO battery lawn mower. LINKS →
The new EGO 21 inch battery lawn mower is one of the best in its class, however not everyone should buy a battery mower. Doc goes over the mower and the decision to buy a battery mower or stick with a gas lawn mower.
Great video ,very informative and honest . There are a couple points that I feel are worth mentioning . My neighbor has the self propelled model I have the push type . HUGE difference . The obvious one would be weight . Not much ,around 10 Lbs. But think about what moves that weight . My 55 Lb mover is so easy to push I have no problem doing my 9500 sq. feet lawn . In fact I can mow the lawn 1.75 (almost 2) times on 1 charge . My neighbor can do 3/4 of his 9500 sq. feet lawn on 1 charge . Takes a lot of battery to move that extra weight . The propulsion system also takes power away from the blade . Another point is the cost of the unit . The self propel feature can add around $ 150 .00 . Unless your on a very steep hill ., the push type is great . I have Zoysia grass , no problem and am very pleased with the cut . I clean the underside of the deck after each use with a wet rag and spray on car wax . Blade gets sharpened every other cut .
It would never occur to me that Amazon sold lawn mowers. Sure enough I looked and there are a bunch. They even have a few riding mowers.
Why not install artificial turf at your beach house. Who wants to mow grass while having fun at the beach?
Thanks for the review. Have you had any opportunity to use an electric riding lawn mower? My biggest need is picking up leaves in the fall (large oak tree leaves (in Minnesota). Oak tree leaves do not decay quickly. I can have 2 to 3 inches deep leaves in my yard. Need a mower with really good suction and large bagger. I know my case is probably not the average lawn (mow approximately 1 acre). Less noise would be nice (I always wear hearing protection) and less vibration (electric motors tend to have less vibration than gas engines).
Hmmm…my ego 21 self propelled just today the speed is stuck on high. And I am not the only one, google it and many are having the same issue. And as of 6/17/21 the warranty was up. The last time I used it, I mowed and sucked up all the grass from detaching and I at one point had it in fast mode. Now that is all it does. Not happy. It was extremely expensive
This is my fourth season cutting with electric mower. Original battery still gives me 45+ minutes of charge. Would never go back to the hassle of gas fired mower, with the trips to gas station, checking the oil before each mowing, and yanking like an idiot on that stupid pull cord. No thank you. I've found the EGO to be superior in performance as well as a far better user experience. Also noteworthy is how quiet electric mowers are. No more earplugs, and I can start early in the morning before the summer heat makes mowing unbearable. Make the move into the 21st century, and ditch your dinosaur powered mowers.
Don't buy this. It stop working after two months. Used three times. Since I didn't bought the warranty with lowes it will be sent for repair. They said that its going to take at least two months for me to get it back, if I get it back since they said that I might have to pay for the repair. STAY AWAY FROM THIS PRODUCT.!!!!!
Great video Doc. This video is very informative and thorough.
I have the 7.5 battery and have no issues with at all. Cuts all my yard in one charge.
The gas is so bad with all the additives they put in it, I just got sick and tired of having to tear the carb apart every season to get them started.
Excellent quality vid!?? You pretty much nailed everything about this mower! Thank U! Oh! Beautiful lawn!?
I'm sold on Ego products. I have two lawnmowers, two blowers (one of which is the backpack variety ), weedeater, power station and weedtrimmer…
Great video, i just bought my Ego mower last week, still getting used to it BUT i love it!
Who knew Tom Hanks knows so much about mowers.
I have had 3 gas powered mowers in the past and ALL of them were horrible at cutting, and they required SO much maintenance and hauling them in every fall for further repairs. Briggs & Stratton, Craftsmen, Toro. I finally gave up and my neighbor had an EGO 21 self propelled mower for me to try. At first I was skeptical about it but my neighbor said hold on to hit and try it for a while so I kept it for two years and mowed his yard, mine, and my neighbor lady’s as well. I listened to this guy yap and my own experience was excellent and I highly recommend it. My front lawn is St Augustine, my south side and back are Bermuda. I have used 1-6 settings differently for both and as well my neighbors and EGO PREFORMED PERFECTLY. The battery last much longer than this person claims. My neighbor moved and took his EGO mower, hedge trimmer, weed eater with him. I purchased my own and I am glad I have because EGO HAS WORKED WONDERS- it does far better than any heavy duty gas powered mower
I would never listen to this guy EVER
I cut my half acres in the woods with my Ego and it's a beast. The downside is that if something breaks it is very expensive to fix. Most have 5 year warranties but a refurbished has only 1 year, and IMO the $50 or so cost savings is not worth it.
Try updating your pricing, no where near accurate.
Our EGO mower is the best lawn mower we have bought. Can mow our yard twice on one charge. Small flat yard does great job. You need to buy a mower that suits your yard.
They are so light. You don’t need self propelled. I have Ego trimmer, lawn mower, and blower. Blower and lawn mower are my favorite.
Hi – quick question. Looking at this EGO mower for our son who just bought their first home. I turned over the LM2156 mower at the local Ace hw store and saw a lot of plastic (including the base of course). I was concerned about the plastic fan (white plastic) above the blade and the black plastic shroud around the blade as well. What i am concerned about is hitting an accidental rock or piece of gravel and that hitting the plastic and breaking it. Now that we run our mowers over gravel, but sometimes rocks are found in the yard. Any thoughts about how rugged the bottom side of this unit is? thanks
I've been using an ego 21-in mower for about 7 months now. It's the most amazing mower that I probably ever used even better than some gas powered mowers that I've used. Here's the problem.. it's plastic on plastic gearing and this is where the problem starts. Already starting to have problems it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that plastic on plastic is not going to last over a period of time and a short period of time from what I have come to find out.
toy mower
Go on Amazon or anywhere and get knockoff batteries
Purchased a ego trimmer and blower, the charger burnt up and never could make a contact with ego, the phone numbers they give are never answered, ended up throwing away the charger and battery as I could never contact ego, purchased the package from home depo, but they stopped handling ego , so out of luck!
Doc you should review battery powered Sunjoe reel mower…btw When you turned over the mower I was like ??… oh yeah that's right no fluid..?
That's a mulching blade. Blasts the cuttings up to the deck to recirculate through the blades over and over.