Here’s The Best LEDs I’ve Found
LED’s Major Problem

The biggest problem I’ve found with these ‘cheap’ LEDs is heat. Some of them do not have any sort of heat solution and eventually fail.

For example, Sylvania makes a 3157 LED (found here: **Amazon Associate Link**) that does seem to have heat issues in mind.

Most of these ‘no-name’ LEDs I’ve found are monetarily cheap, which is desirable, but that does come at a cost of possible shorter life span. And, if the bulbs die 2 or 3 times faster than that of a more expensive name brand, is it really cheaper?

*** I am an Amazon associate. I make a commission based on sales through my Amazon associate links.***

Smaller LEDs:
Larger LEDs:

***This channel is for entertainment purposes only! Do not do what I do. Do not take my advice. I am not a professional. The methods I use may be completely wrong and/or dangerous. Please seek professional help with anything and everything and do your own due diligence (research). Working on cars is extremely dangerous. I am not responsible for any loss of life or limb or property. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. THIS CHANNEL IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!***

FTC Disclaimer: I am an Amazon associate. As such, I earn a percentage of sales made through Amazon associate links found in the description of my videos and on my website and other places.




  1. These replace Leds can suffer from driver overheating due inefficient heat dissipation and be a potential fire hazard. Also leds can suffer with premature failure due to vibration and also being close to halogen main beam for example. Last of all dipped beam led replacement kits the ones with fans or the ones with the copper heat sinks have awful beam patterns when used as replacements.

  2. I solved the overheating problem by putting a 33 Ohm resistor in series with the LED. It's not as bright. But my charging system was overvolting them to the point where they would burn out quickly. You can also buy a cheap buck converter or such.

  3. If you are still looking for a very high quality hood warranty and customer service led bulb brand I would recommend the LasFit brand you should try them out it want disappoint

  4. It's astounding to me that this complete trash newb has anyone following him. If only the general population knew more about fixing their own cars. So many better channels. Stop watching this person.

  5. Why does it look like you're in the thralls of jaundice. Go get a check up at your doctors office please. If you're not dying then I don't know what dying looks like.

  6. This channel is literally the worst car channel on youtube. Please do not listen t this bafoon.

  7. One good point to think about is the fact that the light housing is made to collect the light and focus it at a certain point and an LED might not be pointing in the right direction. it can't take all of the LEDs light and combined it to focus it in the proper direction

  8. The Led"s are in cars now in back lights. You need to do a claculation of how much heat the led light gives off. There should be a readlly available place to find them. Old Tungsten lights use 70 to 90 % of the electricity to just make heat. The light is made with the balance of the electricity.

  9. I thought he was going to talk about the dome light fuse blowing out because that happen to me when I had a Toyota Corolla 2018 XLE and because of one dome light. A fuse gets damage and I have to keep replacing them but at least there only $6 cheap but every week to replace them is a pain.

  10. I love this guy he is so thorough, he's like a good college professor who explains detailed information without being condescending.

  11. I'm sorry… but to begin with they are not pure white.. they have a blueish tint to them… and I friggin HATE that… I hate the way led's light up…
    And I hate led lights!!!!
    And you said it. They blind the crap out of you…
    I am never changing the regular bulbs…
    The other problem I personally have… I have advanced cataracts and led lights cause a fog like film over my field of vision causing me to see worse not better… but that's a personal issue of course..
    But that's my problem…
    If everybody switches to led its going to cause serious issues for people like me with eye problems…
    It's going to cause avoidable accidents because there are people that see worse when led shines or is used as lighting…
    It's bad enough I can't see without someone blinding the crap out of me with that led crap..
    Sorry… IMO… biggest mistake manufacturers ever invented!!

  12. No problem getting LEDs to work inside your car. Big problem for exterior bulbs is that the vehicle approval doesn't cover the use of headlights etc. You can buy them but they come with a message they are not road legal.

  13. That first LED light I don't think was a 12v. I believe it was a 5v. The second one was clearly 12v as you could see the resistors on it.

  14. ok cool thank you very much for this video . good food for thought . i had been thinking about changing the lights out in my car some day aka wen i get a round to it … i realy do need to design a coin with to it printed on it lol.

  15. I wonder, how these poor little LED-s do overheat if they are supposed to be so effective? What's the point of replacing incandescent bulbs with LED-s, if latter are producing the same amount (or even more?) heat than old bulbs?

  16. Great video! You know why pirates wear eye patches right? Reasons why I want red lightbulbs for the interior lol

  17. My Espace is 14 yrs old. You can warm your hands on the illuminated window switches. Was going to remove them anyway. May use these. (Though I don't really need dozens of lights in the interior).

  18. Leds mess with mey eyes after looking at tail lights or brake lights i have phantom glare when i blink its like they burn into my eyes..

  19. If he would've said "installed" instead of "install" in the description it would've been more accurate.

  20. Your bulbs could also be melting because the vehicle is trying to power a bulb with a higher power requirement.

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