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If I did this right then these are Amazon affiliate links to purchase a snatch block. (I have no idea what I’m doing)
$22 – black 8 ton – 5 stars –
$25 – red 8 ton –
$29 – orange 10 ton

We discussed Snatch Blocks on this episode of the No Dumb Questions podcast:

If you’d like to 3D print the Snatch Blocks and pulleys we use in this video they are here:

Read Plutarch’s account of Archimedes:

The wikipedia page on Block and Tackle is really good:

I thought this was a great video about why you should put blankets on your winch cable:

Chris Hadfield is a veteran Canadian Astronaut and a great friend of science. He engages the public often and is a great follow on twitter:
He can be contacted for speaking engagements here:

GET STUFF SECTION: (Affiliate Links)

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Things I use and like:

?Camera I use :
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On-camera Mic:
Lav Mic:
Hot shoe mount for Lav Receiver:
My Tripod:
My Multi-tool:
Favorite SD Card:
?How I get footage off my phone:
Travel Tripod:
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Everyone needs a snatchblock:
?Goggle Up! :

Also, if you’re interested in a Smarter Every Day shirt etc. they’re really soft and you can get there here: 

Jeremy Fielding has his own YouTube channel which you can enjoy here!

A special thank you to @MurkyWanders on Twitter for videoing the Atlantis exhibit for us.

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Ambiance, audio and musicy things by: Gordon McGladdery

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Warm Regards,





  1. Snatch Block!
    I want to take a moment to thank those of you who support Smarter Every Day on Patreon. I'd also like to point out 2 things about this video.
    #1. You'll notice Jeremy Fielding is in this video. He's the "Contraption Fabricator" that's started working with me now because of your support on Patreon. He's a great designer, father, and friend. You'll be seeing more of Jeremy around thanks to those who support at
    #2. If you'd like to 3D print the Snatch Blocks and pulleys we use in this video they are here:
    #3. I really enjoy KiwiCo and I think you will too. I got them as a Christmas gift for my children years ago, and it was a huge hit. It was after that experience that I reached out to their team and asked if I could advertise for them because of how good it was for our family. I think you'll enjoy it too.
    It was 3 things… I ended up pointing out 3 things.

  2. This is a great breakdown, but I'm low-key horrified by the safety precautions used around those pulleys. It's worth remembering that while the ropes only hold the same tension as the original force, the pulley feels the multiplied result. If that breaks, you need to be way more careful about where you're standing in relation to it all.

  3. I can’t believe the zip line company uses a carabiner directly to the line. (Inserting credentials lol) I’m a crane operator so I’m very familiar with this topic.I heard of a death from cell phone tower guys where a guy had his carabiner friction sawed through after he fell and slid down a guide wire. He slid for a bit, then fell. This was a massive tower.

  4. block lifting 50 lbs makes it easy for 50 lazy people to lift 1 lb at the same time. block n tackle can kill stupid people 50 at a time. lifting a ship with block n tackle is not as impressive as building an attachment point from which to lift the ship. that point not only requires the ability to lift the ship but also the pull force of the block n tackle…weight of load + total pull force = weight on the hook. the magic of block n tackle goes beyond what you are showing here…lift that ship with a steel wire rope, then lift that ship with a piece of wool yarn…both lifts will look very different, but work the same.

  5. Should show the one where a dozen military guys put a 40ton truck back on its wheels from being ripped over lol with snatch blocks

  6. "Snatch blocks are amazing. I want to tell you something else that is amazing, and that is the sponsor for this video: Snatch Block!!"

  7. “Jeff is the kind of guy I wanna be when I grow up.”

    My friend, you have kids.

  8. How do 6.6k people think this video is bad? I guess none of them actually like learning things and probably couldn't comprehend the physics and were angry about it.

  9. Coming back to your channel after a while, still learning new things 🙂 I actually answered an oral exam I forgot to study for thanks to what I learned from your video on holograms 🙂 thanks for that

  10. Check out the cranes they use to build bridges theres like 40 pulleys very impressive

  11. 9:15 never ever when winching stand on the side of the rope or the cable. If it snaps it will cut you.

  12. Fifty years ago I buried my Ford in a Louisiana swamp. I used a snatch block on my wench line to lift the front end of the F150 into the air enough to put logs in the rut. it took a while but I got out and made it home.

  13. Cool, homemade rope transmissions that can move anything❗Excellent video.

  14. If I was you, I wouldn't stand next to the jeep when it's being pulled out, if something gives up there then rip

  15. yeah i saw 4 people pull a military's hummer out of a sand trap with ease using this pulley idea years ago.

  16. I think of pulleys in terms of gear reductions. A 2:1 ratio can give you twice the output torque as a 1:1 ratio with the same input torque. I know we are working with tension, not torque, but the principle works the same. I work with vehicles and gears a lot, so it works well for me.

  17. My wife is a middle school teacher, she was looking for concepts and experiments to show her class for practical life/science.
    I showed her your video and she immediately bought a bunch of hands on equipment to teach them mechanical advantage. She's always looking for cool things to teach the middle school kids in the hopes that it motivates them to pursue further education/inspires them to apply themselves in high school. At the very least this knowledge might help them out of a bind some day

  18. Nice vid. You are actually doing the same amount of work. You are changing the force over distance. Each MOVING pulley provides a 2:1 mechanical advantage by doubling the distance traveled usind half the force. And yes i have a snatch block with my winch.

  19. i`m glad you did the interview with KiwiCo because getting to see them it is clear they are the type of company that deserves support of the people.

  20. The one on the jeep was a snatch block, the other ones are not.
    A snatch block can be added to the middle of a rope without threading an end through around the sheave, it's usually accomplished by rotating one of the side plates- a clevis pin through the sheave does not constitute a snatch block.

  21. Check out NSF Starbase live for the biggest example of a pulley system!!

  22. if the other end isnt static and another person mans it… does that halve the work again and make the rope move equally or does the center of the rope move slower?

  23. So he’s terrorizing his friends and family by disabling their cars and leaving them in the woods?

  24. The availability and use of pullies certainly could explain how the pyramids were constructed centuries ago. But archeologists claim they haven't discovered any pullies or even drawings of pullies from that time.

  25. I never knew how this worked. Already looked up Snatch blocks on Amazon and ordered some. What can't you use them for?

  26. Buddy rocks up to help them get that truck onto the flatbed and Destin's accent goes from 0-100

  27. im really lost, shouldn't he call 8 bends. because is 1 rope, same rope, not 8 ropes.

  28. I recommended to use snatchblocks to lift extractor hoods for a resturant, but my colleague woulden't have it, he wanted to use a plate lifter … it really sucked, having to lift them all everytime, we had 8 or 9 extractor hoods to mount, for a resturant/grill bar.

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