If a multiple mowers use the same circuit boards, how do they know what model they are supposed to be? We’ll try to explain how the 400 and 500 series Automowers use the same main boards and same HMI boards, but aren’t capable of doing the same things. In this video we explain how different models of mowers use the same circuit boards but are not capable of accessing the same features or settings. A few examples of this would be a 450X using 2 batteries but a 430X can not. Or a 315X having GPS mowing capability but a 310 or 315 with a connect card not being able to use that feature.

If you are looking to purchase an Automower, Automower parts & accessories, or need tech support for your Automower visit www.roboticmowerservices.com or email us at Roboticmowerservices@gmail.com

310 315 315X 430X 430XH 450X 450XH 550 550H Husqvarna Automowers

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, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IbABjIJCdZA/hqdefault.jpg



  1. If I provide my automower serial number, can you sell me a replacement HMI Board that will work in my mower? My display backlights, but does not show anything anymore.
    As long as there are no errors with the mower, it still can run like this, but now I have some kind of error and I have no idea what it is. I would really like to get this display working again. Thank you for the great videos!

  2. What if you just parallel more cells in the original battery port? It'd be the same voltage. Would it be able to make use of the extra capacity?

  3. Great mowers, crap tech support and customer communication! Husqvarna doesn't listen to its customers and doesn't care what we think or need. You are the only source of technical information and support. I hope you get something from Husqvarna! Again, great machines and I own two of them. Support is so bad though, I really can't recommend buying one.

  4. I heard a rumor that Husqvarna would start allowing owners to perform their own firmware updates, without needing AC3 or a dealer login. Have you heard anything about this?

  5. Do you have a video about invisible dog fences? Or could you give me a basic explanation of how to handle them when installing the boundary and guide wires? Thanks.

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