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  1. I am an Ironworker and we use these everyday to get a bolt in the hole lol. hougen mag drills are the best in my opinion for in the field but are pricey.

  2. I thought about that left-turning preference. It might be caused by our cars having a steering wheel on the left side. You might be more confident to turn left, because you've more visibility to that side while driving, therefore (from experience), your brain is taking it as the safe side… just my thought.

  3. Why didn't you use the onboard coolant? Definitely a thumbs down for you lifting up on the feed handle of a mag drill!

  4. Don't be afraid to lubricate your annular cutters, or any drill going into steel, stainless, even aluminum. Reduces chatter, cuts faster and cooler and drastically increases tool life. There are many manufacturers and types. Paste is best for vertical/overhead, but any petroleum product will help.

  5. That drill is awesome, we need that for our shop – anyone know who makes it?

  6. I would think you would have an impact (air or elect) to run those bug nuts…

  7. That was painful watching you drill a hole in your fork. Should have made a sleeve that slides over your Tyne.

  8. The reasoning that Americans prefer turning left is that turning right in an American car is a blind turn, So its become sort of ingrained in us. or at least that was my understanding.

  9. The one thing I keep asking myself as I enjoy your videos, is this… why on earth do you keep buying harbor freight stuff? Really interested in knowing why.

  10. God loves us all, please let us love God back before it is too late.

    Credits to God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, and unknowns.

    John 3:16 KJV"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 KJV As it was, Please Go Check S.C.1 for more Proofs of the Daniel 7:25 Effect

    Credits to God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, S.C.1, Residue Junkie, and unknowns.

    Channels are on YouTube

  11. Why didnt you fashion a piece to slide the forks into? At an old job they used very thick rectangular pieces and welded the ball onto a piece of metal connecting the 2. So instead of having to attach a ball to the tractor or forklift they simply slid the forks into the metal and basically had a centered ball trailer hitch. Worked amazingly

  12. Hi Cody, it's been a long time since I have looked at one of your videos, I am now unsubscribed to your channel, mainly because I could not support listening to your religious spreads anymore, if you look at history and add all the deaths because of any and all religions in human history, it's the worst thing that ever happened to humanity as a whole….FYI…pro tips are useful for everybody and are not an indicator about intelligence, you are mixing up intelligence and knowledge, I never used that trick on a can, but like my father would say, I don't even leave the odor of the material in a can, I have my own tricks, and don't let my comment mislead you, I like you, and a lot of things you do, never forget that the need and budget drives our "tooling" as for me it's 3 years I have that kind of hitch but a guy that has only 1 trailer and 1 vehicule, doesn't need that kind of equipment….I wish you success!

  13. you like to turn left because you are positioned in left side of var as the driver. in UK we drive on the right hand side and most people prefer to turn right. its weird how preferences come about

  14. Professional homeowners, be damn sure to never get under any attachment on a front-end loader unless the arms are supported in the upright position.

  15. Hi Cody, check out Gen-Y hitches, they make an adjustable hitch that has torsion suspension built in. We have a equipment rental business and we are always delivering equipment with different trailers and the Gen-Y Boss has been a game changer, better ride and better fuel mileage. They have an incredible assortment of hitches and other accessories.

  16. My $0.02 worth; in order to stop the build-up of the swarf (the metal shavings, chips et al), simply retract/return the drill back up and down momentarily to allow the metal shaving to 'break' and not be one continuous Scourer of Death. Retract/return as many times as those shavings get to an unsafe length. An added bonus is that you clear the hole and make it easier for the cutter to do its work.

  17. we just always weld a little handle on the nut and just hand tighten it…. no need for a wrench.

  18. You said that ball was a 2and5/8 ? i've never seen one, I think it was a 2and 5/16…………..just saying

  19. Son of a gun Cody. I thought I had purchased my last tool when I bought our 307 Cat excavator and then I purchased our sawmill and now you did this. When does it all end? I have not been that impressed with a tool in a long time. Can live with my old hitches but that drill is fabulous ???

  20. Oshawa doesn't approve this procedure…..you can make an appliance that fits on both forks,
    it allows pressure on both forks…

  21. For anyone working with hardened steel or thick gauge steels and alloys NEED one of those. IF you need accurate holes you also need the bits too. No easier or cheaper way around it. At least buy used if you can. I do a lot with custom vehicle frames and suspension and this literally shaves up to 40 hours per job and reduces frustration and mistakes which is priceless.

  22. Master lock makes padlocks you can set to a key. Also. Can reset to another key with a tool that comes with it.
    'What makes a good lock'….isn't how it looks. Isn't its price.
    Its….can you easily pick it.'and/or. Does it break open with little effort.

  23. You could have used square tubing to put the ball in drill another hole on the other end of the square tubing and in a small hole in your fork and that way put a pin through the tube in your fork

  24. Lubricant/coolant…!! even a couple spritzes of WD40 is better than nothing…!!

  25. I would have oiled that milling/drilling bit a few times during that bore!

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