Check out the Pixy2, a smart camera with image recognition capabilities!

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The Pixy2 is a low cost yet powerful camera that is capable of object recognition, line tracking, and simple barcode reading. The device is the latest iteration of the Pixy Cam, a project built by Charmed Labs in conjunction with the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.

With a variety of interfaces and lots of code libraries and samples, the Pixy2 can be used with an Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone Black, or just about any computer, microcomputer, or microcontroller.

In this video, I will show you how the Pixy2 works, how to hook it up, and how to train it using software called PixyMon which runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. I’ll then show you how to easily hook up your Pixy2 to an Arduino and run code to detect an object, lines, intersections, and simple barcodes.

Thanks to its onboard processor the coding for Pixy2 is very simple. It provides a very easy method of adding vision to your next Arduino or Raspberry Pi project.

Here is the table of contents for this video:

00:00 – Introduction
02:18 – Pixy2 Introduction
05:53 – Pixy2 Unboxing
08:02 – Using PixyMon
14:01 – Color Signature Training
20:32 – Arduino Hookup
21:48 – CCC Hello World Demo
27:44 – Line Tracking Intro
29:24 – Line Hello World Demo

As always there is a detailed article on the DroneBot Workshop website, you will find it here –

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  1. Can we use this for text recognition and converting it to speech?
    If we are using arduino uno with pixy2

  2. i am korean. It's supposed to be like 24:20, but we get error: no response from the serial monitor. Is there a solution?

  3. great video man your channel is great!

    Also I have one and guys it’s really bad that they market it as “object detection” it’s strictly color detection/tracking it won’t differentiate between objects if they are the same color even if they have ridiculously different shapes.

    It has its usage but if you want something that will recognize objects like chair, table, person that this won’t work. If you want to use color tags to control a project or have 7 objects with distinctly different colors then it’s good. Also it does have barcode detection. The line detection is okay too once you tune it.

  4. Could i use this for obstacle avoidance or make it work together with a ultra sonic sensor for the same result?

  5. What about using the Pixy2 for building a sentry? A fixed point sentry using airsoft or paint balls ?

  6. Is there a way to add a oled that shows what the camera sees for the arduino

  7. I just tore apart my Blade 350QX which has no6 been able to bind since I crashed it. I have decided to build another, which led me to you, which led me to Arduino. My first kits should be in mailbox tomorrow and you will be in my daily routine. Thankyou for your concise content.!

  8. Thank you very much for the videos you make. I have a question: Is there any function in the pixy library to capture a snapshot of the detected object? Thank you very much.

  9. I know this is from 2 years ago but have you tried getting the Pixy 2 to recognise the shapes of numbers on an LCD display?
    If this could be done successfully then it could be a way of logging simple instruments without the need for any electrical connection.

    If anyone has done this I would be very interested to invest in a Pixy 2 to try it.

  10. Sir can pixy detect more than 7 objects if s can u tell me how and if no can u tell me the alternative way for more objects detection

  11. Hii sir I need help
    I want to make a autonomous drone to project purpose please help me sir

  12. Hi, very helpful video.
    Can you recommend me something which can detect the moving object and a direction of travel?
    A pxi2cam with continuous movement of object towards it and can distinguish moving of object away from it. For ex: train a car….passing over it.

  13. Please explain how to add more color codes in a pixy……To recognise more objects…..

  14. can we use it to recognize hand signs for example peace sign and others signs with our hands and if we can dose it possible to use what the pixy2 recognizes to make the Arduino give commands?
    thank you for ur videos it is very helpful.

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