Honda GC160 and Arduino Uno! Runs on propane. Adjustable idle mixture. Made for a college Honors Showcase project. Any questions or suggestions feel free to comment! Thanks! Also I found that the sensitivity of the potentiometer adjustments may be due to it’s resistance values.




  1. Maybe use an (3590S Rotary Wirewound Precision Potentiometer), this will help to make easy adjustments

  2. Hi Stan,
    My ultimate goal is to use Speeduino on a 4cylinder Tata CNG truck and modify it to run on hydrogen but like you I'm starting with a Honda GX200 and Arduino. I don't want to have wasted spark which is fine for gasoline but bad for hydrogen. So I removed the magneto and installed a coil, I put a little push button sensor on the intake valve and a hall effect sensor on the crank. Then I realised that I could put the hall effect sensor on the valve gear at the point where the intake valve opens , inject propane directly into the cylinder and then a few degrees later when the valve is closed ignite the sparkplug. Does putting the hall effect sensor on the valve gear seem logical to you?

  3. So it wont rev or compensate for altitude or mass airflow or engine temp. It's pretty much a fixed pulsewidth via duty cycle. It's shit. To do the same thing you have right now, you literally need 1 hall effect sensor and 1 piece of steel. Vary the width of the steel to get your pulse width and throw the useless controller in the trash. Let it pulse once on intake and once on exhaust.

  4. Super cool that you are using propane! Normally you would have a pressure regulator between the injector and the tank. There are also systems that use a vacuum controlled vaporizer/pressure reducer. It has a venturi and basically works like an old carburetor. Are you using a lpg/propane injector? Have you heard of speeduino?

  5. Sweet. You probably have moved on to something bigger and better and you know 100% more about this project than I, but I wonder how a rotary encoder would be instead of the potentiometer? You could have an incremental counter and map that to the mix value – that way it may be more precise; you wouldn't need to be using the Arduino's ADC. Although you'd probably need some sort of indicator to show "lean/rich" on a display or something. Maybe even have a button for "lean" and a button for "rich" and increment those values.

  6. That’s a liquid-fuel injector isn’t it? Which means it needs liquid fuel for cooling. It will over heat with gas.

  7. Well done, dude! A couple of thoughts….. How about an O2 sensor in the exhaust stream to act as feedback to the Arduino? Adjust the pulse-width-modulated duty cycle up or down based on an analog read from the O2 sensor. The analog range is 0 to 5 volts. I believe the O2 sensor is between 0 and 1 volt. With 10-bit A/D sampling you'd still have a good 8 bits dynamic range even without instrumentation amplifier. Also, have it sense RPM from the low voltage side of the ignition circuit. Just some thoughts!

  8. Can you use (for twostroke application) the preinstalled pickup coil or the spark wiring for triggering? And if so, can you control the rpm with good behaviour just by mixture to your application;

  9. Excellent project by the way.

    From a practical standpoint it seems like their is no air/fuel sensor which would normally be placed near the exhaust. That would negate about 90% of what you would want a fuel injection system for

  10. Hello, enjoyed your video. Is that a gasoline fuel injector working with propane? Thanks.

  11. FAQ:
    Is that a propane injector?
    – It is a Denso gasoline injector from a dodge truck. It was a quick and easy way to test the engine.

    Have you thought about making this project more advanced? O2 Sensor? Position sensor? MAP sensor? Etc?
    – Yes! Absolutely. I am currently working on that now. I finished my in tank fuel pump (vid on channel) and slowly making progress on the new engine.

  12. Wollah ,,, berry good
    Arduino to control only a pulse width of fuel time opening is quite a bit of work to do

    You can possibly replace an duino with an ordinary circuitry of monostable 555 ic since it is only for adjusting pulse width but I don't recommend when more additional sensing component

  13. Nice video 🙂 Btw could you please email me the code you used and what kind of engine was that? looks like it might a rotary ?

  14. Would it be possible for you to re-create this project without the engine, so I can test it on the engine I am working on.
    I can pay you for your time.

  15. Cool project! How is the signal from that proximity sensor at higher RPM? Clean?

  16. I have doubts with the fuel injector. is there any Arduino UNO compatible fuel injector

  17. Hey there… have you changed anything lately? I'm converting an engine to EFI too, a small one too.

    All I'm looking is a way to control the shooting timing for the injector. Since mine specific engine (like most small engines), it fires a spark 2 times per 4 strokes because the flywheel passes the magneto twice during 4 strokes, and if I would use something (like a hall effect seonsor) to control the injector shooting time, I would have 2 shots of fuel per 4 strokes.

    Now, I'm looking for a second input for the info when the injector has to shoot. As you used a proximity sensor – I could use it too, but I don't really want to ruin a cylinder head since they're hard to find for this old engine nowadays.
    I thought about a MAP or MAF sensor from a 4 cylinder engine, but I'm kinda afraid that those sensors would be too "large" for a single cylinder engine, since both sensors come from a 4 cylinder engine from a car.

    Do you have any kind of recommendations? I also looked upon control the mixture with a pot, and later do it automatically using different ways of input (ammount of air, throttle position etc.), but for now, all I need is a barely-running engine 🙂
    Thanks in advance!

  18. Hi, this is a sweet project. Definitely out of the ordinary. I have been looking at holley and the like EFI systems for a Mopar 318 build. I'm pretty green to engine builds. But I thought he why not look into making my own. Then I can make a pretty cool system with any features I want, like an add on HHO system or a dual fuel system… This is a really helpful video. Im Still not convinced I can handle or afford the project with my mopar. This needs more views, the content is amazing.

  19. you have a schematic i wanted to do something similar to this just want fuel injection not a whole efi system 500 dollars is nuts

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