If anybody is interested, Worx is having a sale till November 15th of 20% off orders over $100, including Landroid. Use code WORXFALL20

Worx is giving away a free Landroid each week from October 10th to November 20th 2020. You can sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/y29quz8b . Just to be upfront, if you sign up using this link, it helps me to get an entry too.

My three month update on the landroid and putting it to the test. What happens when landroid hits someone? Can it safely go over dog poop? Will a tennis ball get stuck under it? Can it drive up a 1 inch curb? Watch the video and find out the answers to these and more!

WORX WR150 Landroid L 20V Robotic Lawn Mower

Fully automated robotic lawnmower can cut up to a 1/2 acre.
APP capable for instant operation and control.
Patented mowing AIA cutting technology ensures it can pass through narrow paths with ease.
Intuitive layered interface for customized working schedules.
Innovative electronics allow for mowing on hills and slopes.
Cut to Edge – Offset 3-blade cutting/mulching system for closer edge cutting.
Two independent brushless wheel motors.
Rain sensor tells it to return back to charger station.

If you want to help out the channel, please consider purchasing the Landroid through one of the below links. It is free for you, but I get a small percentage of the sale.

To Purchase on Amazon:
Worx Landroid L with GPS module (up to 1/2 acre) – https://amzn.to/35XNNVa
Worx Landroid M (up to 1/4 acre) – https://amzn.to/3qvYpnn



  1. Thanks for a nice video, and also for taking your time to answer comments. I am about to buy L2000, but I think I will also have to buy the Wao860 navigation add on, so I will be able to “see” trees and bushes, instead of bumbing into them. Reason why is that I have so many trees and bushes in my garden that border wire would be crazy amount of wire and time. If no wire and eyes, then it would not be able to get to the other half of the garden, because going between the 10 trees in the middle in.a strait line would be winning the lottery, and a one way ticket.
    So I would love a review of the eyes and maybe also the wifi extension module, as this i my sommerhouse, and it needs to reach wifi in other end of garden, if it is stuck and needs to tell me.

  2. Great video Mike. Use it to show my old dad (73 year) what at robot lawnmover can do. Love it

  3. What do you do with edge close to the fence? I assume it does not cut right up to the fence
    Thank you

  4. Thanks for the video. Price seems kind of high for what you get. I would like to have a robot mower mow in tight spaces like under low hanging limbs of a tree. Thank again for the video.

  5. Hi. Love yr Landroid. Can u post the exact model of yr landroid n who is the distributor in Malaysia or Singapore.

  6. I have a small front yard with two areas to mow, one is like 40' x 50' and the other is 8' x 10'.The smaller of the two areas is on the other side of standard width sidewalk. I plan on parking and charging the robot in my garage which is directly beside the smaller of the two areas. I have two questions, (1) can the robot cross a sidewalk without being picked up and moved and (2) can I run the wire over concrete roughly 5' into the garage to the docking station. I looked at other brands and after watching your video and several others I believe the Worx mower is the best bang for your buck. It's the only one with GPS at a reasonable price. Also I am looking for an automatic mower that I can operate from my iPhone as my Wifi in the garage can be spotty.

  7. Show us land droid cutting at max height of grass

  8. If you turn your protective tree wooden square over, the Landroid will not have any gaps to drive into.

  9. Person in our neighborhood has one of these and it does literally nothing. It maybe cutting but not like a traditional mower. I can never tell. BTW the yard looks like it's been cut with mower with dull blades. Idk just my observation by riding by everyday

  10. Does it create a map in the app that it follows to mark sure all grass is cut or does cut at random?

  11. Can it run of a hotspot, or is Internet absolutely necessary for it to operate?

  12. This vid was really great man. I take it that you maybe recommend this and everyone's situation is different so I get that part. Bud do you really actually reecommend this? I live in a trailer park and I know that I would need to keep an eye on it to make sure it's not stolen. The main thing I want to know is is it worth the money and is it difficult to set the boundary lines for it. I pretty much know your answer but thanks for putting your review here for everyone.

  13. You should try installing the wire closer to the fence to see how well it will work for you

  14. Can you swap batteries for bigger one from worx f.e. I can buy worx s300l with 2ah battery can I then buy additional 4ah and change it? Will it fit?

  15. I prefer my 80V Greenworks over this. This machine is still premature in my opinion.

  16. Great video!! I’m ready to purchase, I do have a question to everyone. I have a standard width gate separating front from back yard. As long as I prop it open, I feel like the mower will go through the gate. I was going to place the wire along side post of the gate.
    Thanks for any replies

  17. Hi – when I'm watching the materials about this model – charging station is usually located on the lawn and then quite naturally mower cuts the grass all aroud it – in your case you've installed the station on the concrete surface – and my question is – is the mower treating the patio same way as lawn – or you found some clever way to separate the patio from the lawn?

  18. You have not lookingwell grass. Try verticulation with some verticutting stuff twice a year, to remove old, dead grass. Now ther is nothing to be proud of.

  19. How long, duration of time, will the landroid run? How long does it take to charge? Will it start back where it stopped due to low battery?

  20. I'm thinking about getting this. But the property I'm getting is 0.53 acres. Will one be enough? Will it know all the areas that it mowed and then I'll go back to charge and then come back and finish the rest? Or should I go ahead and just get the Husqvarna one?

  21. I own an L1500 and after a year I think for a regular garden it's useless, requires human intervention several times a day. It leaves the wire with no reason then stops with error message, or gives "mower lifted" error because there's a 1cm deep pit which is normal I guess in a garden which you use or if you have a dog. Firmware is getting worse and worse with updates leading to more full stops per day. Works fine if you had a perfect garden and the cut quality is excellent but for most of us it simply does not do the job as it's not capable to work on its own. I deeply regret my decision to purchase a Landroid.

  22. So how does it know when the lawn is totally cut? Will it complete the entire lawn in 1 outing?

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