1. I'm pretty sure that the tenderization he was getting was more likely about the actual execution method for the turkeys.

  2. You should actually like get shocked by a electrocute thing and then get that thing to bring you back

  3. Imagine just being a worm just chilling underground and these dudes desided to electrecute the ground

  4. Him:makes a difriblator from scratch to not have a conductor
    Me: just takes out conductor

  5. The lavish joke unquestionably produce because alto orally stuff circa a male submarine. amused, detailed child

  6. I misread that as "we defibrillated a Shrek". My brain can go die in a hole now

  7. i love that xbox was the first thing that came to mind after the battery got defibrillated

  8. Does the flesh need a nerve to get the muscle fibers to react? And need it be fresh?

  9. I missed you Man. I lost contact with your channel for the past year do to family health issues. So glad I’m watching you again

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