Buy the safety gear here:
Shop fire safety options:
Bat-Safe Lipo charging case for $60 –
Pulse Lipo charging case for $60 –
Protek Flame Resistant case for $21 –
Bat-Safe XL charging case for $120 –

Best Batteries:

Best Chargers:

10 Worst things you can do to a lipo battery that lead to explosion, failure, fire errors and problems. Most dangerous lipo battery fires. Find the best lipo batteries, chargers, safety gear at lipo bag:

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  1. 11. Most important: dont by cheapest ones. Especially from china (aliexpress etc). Look for electronic parts wholesaler instead RC shops for kids…

  2. Now I’m over here staring at my lipo charging, waiting for it to go up in flames ? ?

  3. Jesus christ this seems like a bomb. It can catch on fire when you're charging, driving or not doing anything. LOL. Is LIPO safe for a complete noob?

  4. Added to my mental list of reasons to worry whenever I leave the house. Thank you for your video.

  5. If I use my 2s lipo and charge it immediately after using it, once it is fully charged, how long should I wait until I use the battery again?

  6. why would someone put dynamite in a rally car that is supposed to get crashed all the times. Just put something simpler inside and safer, I am fine with charging it more frequently without having to worry about an explosion all the time. What a stupidity

  7. Ok, so your running your car, having a blast, when do you know when is the optimal time to recharge your lipo battery, or change it out for a charged one on the trail as not to wreck the first one? Cheers.

  8. As a kid I used to use LiPo batteries for electric Airsoft guns, and I was regularly plugging them into the outside wall of a motorhome office of the arena I went to in the Arizona summer heat while using the other one, switching them regularly every time one would run out over the 9 or 10 hour period. Thanks to this video I now realize I was a retarded kid.

  9. For the 204 dislikes, I hope all the hairs on your bum turn into sticks and beat the crap out of you.

    Or your batteries blow up ?

  10. I charge and store mine in my woodstove, it's no longer in use(installed gas furnace in shop) but is still attached to the chimney .

  11. How do I know which is the correct C rating for my use. I have just ordered a TRX4 sport kit with a 16T 5 slot 1850kv brushed motor. Is there a secret calculation that can be applied. Thanks in anticipation. And thank you for your videos, I am learning a great deal from them.
    Cheers. Alan. UK

  12. nice video. Why RC cars Lipo battery are always "dangerous" while laptop, mobile phone and many other appliance seems safer?

  13. When I started out with fpv quads I had trouble finding how many amps to charge batteries at. I thought maybe 2 amps per battery was probably safe. My phone charges at 2 amps. 1c, 2c. I didn't know what that meant. I was charging 520mah and 450mah batteries at 2amps each. The batteries never got hot or even warm so I thought it was fine. Then I finally found out what 1c meant. I should have been charging my 450mah batteries at 0.4 or 0.5 amps. Not 2 amps. Now it takes 45 to 1 hour to charge batteries, not 15 to 20 minutes like it use to. So I was lucky to not start a fire or damage a battery. I always checked battery temp and checked to see if the charger, wires to the parallel board, or the power wire to the wall plug ever got warm. They never did but I was still charging too fast.

    I do have a question. I know charging at 1c is the safest, but is it considered unsafe to charge at 2c? My 1100 4s, and 13004s batteries charge up in about 45 minutes at 1c. For some reason my 1500mah China Hobby Line 4s batteries take at least an hour at 1c. My charger ISDT 608ac is capable of up to 8 amps, but I never have gone that high. Charging two 1500mah 4s batteries on a parallel board is charged at 3 amps for 1c.

  14. Hi, thank you for the video. You explain things in a way a noob like me can easily understand. I really appreciate that. One additional question: If a fire occurs, what is the best way to try and put it out? Is there a specific type of fire extinguisher to keep on hand? I believe that for grease fires in the kitchen you should never use water as it will only cause the fire to spread, that one should instead attempt to smother the flames using a large thick towel, and or cover the area with baking soda. Thanks again!

  15. Lead acid is the safest, I am out of the idea of making a lipo power backup for my pc, I will go for lead acid tabular, best one, high safety

  16. New to RC here and just trying to educate myself. Glad to have found the channel, but I'm feeling a bit confused with this video. I totally trust what you're saying, I'm just thinking about all cell phones and laptops I've charged through the years without giving it a second thought.

    How many of us charge our phones in a fire proof safe? ?

  17. What would cause a lipo battery to burst into flames after plugging in the balance and power leads? I have a good charger (C250 Duo). I've charged other batteries fine, but a brand new one started smoking right away, even before I configured the charger to begin charging. I simply turned on the charger and connected the battery.

  18. I purchased the bar safe box from the description box. I just got my first 6S vehicle and I was watching videos on how much more serious of a battery it is compared to a 2,3 and 4s battery and I figured I’d touch on this video again and just purchased the box

  19. Ni-mh: you treat me bad Imma heat the hell up but do nothing else.

    Li-po and li-ion batteries: did anyone say BOOM!!!!

    house burn down.


  21. Buying a counterfeit battery that doesn't have protection circuitry. That would be #1 in every instance.

  22. Thank you, although im about a year in the hobby, it’s still good to view this video from time to time just to keep awareness.

  23. Lol ive always kept mine fully charged for years. Haven’t had an issue yet fortunately

  24. Who uses Lithium Polymer battery on there cell phones and laptops?

  25. This sounds stupid but i use a fan to cool my battery and engine. Is that safe???

  26. You stated not to put all the batteries together but end the video with a shelf full of batteries? Lol, what am I missing? Great video! Thank you.

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