How to install charging base and perimeter wire for WORX Landroid WR142E | Complete tutorial with final edge test.



  1. Apparaat graaft zich in en stopt dan. De voorkant is nl. te laag. Worx wil dit probleem niet oplossen. Niet kopen. Do not buy.

  2. Kann ich denn Landroid auf eine bestimmte stelle schicken, die er mähen soll anhand der Rasenfläche oder etc? Wenn ja, wir kann ich da Vorgehen oder dies einrichten bitte?

  3. Why does the Landroid not need a 'return' cable (that cuts halfway through your garden), like Husqvarna and Gardena ?

  4. Ciao Trafegon, me so' stufa' de taiar l'erba, penso de comprar sta machineta anca mi'. Ho una domanda da farti, non sono riuscito a trovare risposta spulciando in rete: il mio giardino è in pendenza, non una cosa esagerata, diciamo un 15-20%. La base di ricarica deve essere perfettamente in piano in entrambe le direzioni o può essere montata comunque con questa pendenza?

  5. Zajebisty film instruktarzowy o tym, jak wbijać kołki i wkręcać śruby w ziemię. I co? kosi tylko wzdłuż kabla? W środku już nie?

  6. I assume you have to take the wire up (perimeter wire) when winter comes (snow, etc). I live in a snowy climate in the US where we have snow from November/December to April.
    I am 66 yrs old, pretty computer savvy. Would I be able to install one of these? (I have a 3/4 an acre lot.)

  7. Très bon tuto. j'ai maintenant hâte de mettre en pratique et de regarder mon droïde travailler à ma place ! ! !

  8. Se ci sono alberi nel giardino bisogna delimitarli con il filo oppure ha una sorta di anticollisione? Grazie

  9. Any droids out there that dont require a wire setup? I was hoping for some kind of wireless solution

  10. It's the 24th of June, 2020. Because of this excellent tutorial I will be praised by my friends & family. I will be the HERO of all those around me. Thanks you you!

  11. Excellent video. I just have a question, can the charger be outside the grass area and can I put manually on the charger?

  12. I just started thinking about getting an automower and looks like WORKS offer a balance between price and features. But those exposed charging terminals made me worry about kids and animals. Are these terminals constantly under voltage? or just when the robot is docked? Another question – what about rain? is it on to have robot sitting in the rain, like staying outdoor all season?
    Thank you

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