Tertill is the Roomba of the garden. It roams around plucking weeds throughout the day and removing single most irritating part of gardening from the equation: weeding. This robot gardener is solar-powered and completely self-contained, meaning you won’t have to babysit or tend to it at all.

Check it out at https://www.tertill.com/

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, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JIFZewha1bI/hqdefault.jpg



  1. A review that avoids showing anything the product can do. To top it, when placed into weeds a note apperas that it cant do the job. So its a weeding robot not showing any weeding, and you have to weed the garden before using it. This is beyond ridiculous. Reminds me of the review of windows cleaning robots being demonstrated on perfectly clean windows….

  2. As this technology improves and develops further I can see it being used by commercial growers to tend crops that require intensive weeding, like salad crops etc. Clever idea.

  3. My terrill doesn't seem to work unless I push the button to start it. Is this normal? Does it need to be started everyday or is it supposed to start up on it's own? It just seems to be sitting in the same spot each day unless I go push the button on the top. Suggestions?

  4. I imagine a wall-e type story about this little robot fighting weeds until the end of time in a little plot of a garden.

  5. we don’t have the one to pull

    weeds out of the ground because we are too busy laying on the couch.
    making people lazy gadget.
    making people sick gadget.
    if we all voted for a massive cost of living reduction so we did not have to spend so much time away from home and then giving up more than we earn, pulling weeds out of the ground will become a joyful and beautiful pass time.

  6. I'm wondering how this would work on a mulched bed? I can't see it traveling across a deep mulch.

  7. The amount of salty salty comments from people that like this robot and can't stand to hear a single criticism in this comment section is ridiculous and hilarious.

  8. Can you imagine forget about it in the garden and it cuts your whole yard down to dirt lol

  9. This is like an entry level autonomous weeder… generation one… it sure as shit isn't worth $350. I can assure you, the bill of materials that go into this doesn't justify that price point. It's doesn't even have caterpillar treads ffs… The engineers and sales department need to take a step back and assess their product.

  10. If it doesn't till the soil and pull em by the roots it ain't worth squat!

  11. There is a much easier way. Just place on ground sheet of agrotextile – no weeds, no power req, nor shitty robot – extremaly clean and simple, lasts 5 years or more.

  12. 10 minute review of a weed cutting robot and not a single weed was cut..great footage of the thing rolling over dirt though! Looks incredible as a dirt rolling over device! Amazing!!

  13. For $350 I could just pay another human or intellegent animal species to do this!!!

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