In future, you may have a suitcase that’ll simply follow you.

Who wants to lug around a big, heavy suitcase?

Well there’s a new product concept out there that may replace your old suitcase. Dubbed, ‘Hop! The following suitcase’, the luggage piece essentially follows its owner.

The suitcase reportedly utilizes a Bluetooth signal that is hooked up to the owner’s cell phone. As the individual walks, the suitcase trails after the person using the cell phone signals. The inventor states “A microcontroller operates a caterpillar system based on compressed air, which follows the user at a constant distance”.

As a nice security feature, if the phone loses signal, the piece of luggage will automatically lock and vibrate the phone to alert the owner.

According to the designer – “With current technology that is present today in lawn mowers or automatic vacuum cleaners, a suitcase can embed the function of the bellhop.”

While it may take some time for the moving suitcase to become commercially available, many fliers can appreciate not being bogged down by heavy luggage.

Would you want to use it?




  1. that product now has been invented and made. just search it at youtube, you will find it

  2. also this may be a bad idea , I see this as a cool new deal but others "idiots" will use this to do illegal shit and or harm others

  3. I'm a fast walker , super fast , they guy who looks likes he is fit and healthy af, trying to move from the slow crowd …will this luggage keep up and if it doesn't can it find me with GPS and if I were to leave it far behind while it's still locked on to me is there a security features that will stop thieves from snatching it light loud noise , message saying I have been stolen return me etc

  4. This is a waste of time and investment on many levels.

    First and foremost, air travel security. It's becoming more strict to NEVER allow your bag to leave your physical touch.
    Secondly. People do not go to airports to lollygag around at the pace of a track driven 22kg bag.
    Thirdly, the battery required to drive the bag would make the bag so heavy or take up so much space that it would cause you to pack less and therefore defeat the purpose of weight.
    I'd go on, but running out of chars

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