How to Make Powerful Hydraulic Press
In this video I show you how to make powerful hydraulic press. You need wood, 4 syringes, pipes and glass with water. All needed measurments you can find in the video. As result this press can easily crack any type of nuts, crush soda can and much more!
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Music: “Heavy Action” Audionautix. Creative Commons Attribution (
Time to crush a Terminator in here
From Where did you get the y tube ??????
This would be powerful than a piston in minecraft ??
try diamond ?
Even tho this project is kinda dumb and worthless, its fun to watch
Sir stick bridge ki video kese mil skti h?
Isse bnane me kya kya use huaa h ye to btao please reply me
Kindly send me the name of this thing that we use to connect 2 pipes into 1pipe please send me please
All he did was just to take revenge from that nutcracker !!
do another round with your hand
I also have to make it for my science project
Very nice
A Squirrel's Teeth are Stronger Than a hydraulic press.
Pepsi should use him for damages
just one thing to remeber,
dont mess with this guy
so cool
Akilica eline sağlık
2.26 which material have used
This guy make a hydraulic press
Me: test it with a diamond by crushing it ??
You can just use a oversized jackhammer…
But that will take all the fun away/pascal’s law
That’s probably the most savage check valve I’ve ever seen. I usually make mine using a 30ml syringe with a 20ml syringe plunger with a spring pushing the plunger shut. The lid the the 20ml syringe nozzle cut down to 5mm
can someone please tell me the materials used in this video? I need it for a school project.
Vdo is good but white background spoiled it..??
10k dislikes. lol
u have a materials list?