1. Dear Julian Arnott,
    I deeply appreciate your building but let me ask why not share your codes. I understand that are the result of considerable efforts and waste of time on your part.
    The same way you let so many people to realize their dreams. Maybe they do not have your skills but they have so much passion.
    A greeting

  2. Hello Julian.  Nice video and project.  – i have request for you, – I have the exact same motors, controller, and sensor.
    Would you be willing to share your code? Would help give a big start to my project

    best regards

  3. I have the exact same motors, controller, and sensor! Would you be willing to share your code? Would help give a big start to my project. DJD(at)DJDLabs.com Thank you!

  4. hi Julian!
    nice work there! i'm trying to build my own segway clone, but i have trouble with the code. i'm using the same setup as you.. mpu6050 with sabertooth.. but i don't have geared motors. i have to build the gear part myself.

    can you send me your code? maybe the raw schematics?
    my email is: digital.sorin@gmail.com

    i don't have much experience with arduino and all i found is about using analog imu in segway clone projects.

    what do you use for steering? pot? position sensor? switch?


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