On this real-world test I help you to discover which robotic lawn mower is the best you can get. Gardena and Worx are similar in price, but offer very different features and performance.
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  1. Before this youtube I wanted to buy Worx. Now I going for Gardena. Thanks.

  2. I had a few issues with getting the wiring setup in the right polarity, but the troubleshooting section of the installation guide pretty much told you what to do.>>>t.co/Ep6sZTPcda  Another interesting quirk is you have to have the base station pointed in the right direction in order for it to dock correctly…the robot follows a specific direction on the wire. It is glorious to walk outside with a cold drink in hand and watch my lawn being mowed for me. Being from southern Louisiana, let me tell you…anything you can do to reduce yard work is a blessing! I'm still getting the proper mow height adjusted, but after a few more mows by the robot, everything should be golden. If you have the money to spend, I'd definitely recommend.

  3. I've had a gardena rl40i and after 24 months it stopped working… tried with other battery and other things… nope… pity, and very expensive when it's designed to work just 2 years..

  4. Wires are stupid and will never result in a practical "robot" mower. You need a mower that is smart enough to know where its at, where its been and where it needs to go. Dumb shits who program these things are amateurs.

  5. We have robot autodrive cars now, but we can't get a robot mower to work without "bump" wires. Really? This is lame.

  6. Someone needs to do a Auto Mower with a guide wire that transmits a amplitude modulated signal along the wire so the mower knows exactly where it is. (yes I know GPS could be used, but GPS is not accurate enough) A simple algorithm could then be created by the mower to work out the layout of the yard and then efficiently cut the grass in parallel stripes.

  7. I can't stop wondering….who paid for this video/commercial? In my experience the quality of the Work dosn't come near the Gardena (build by Husqvarna). By the way…the programming of the Gardena is VERY easy 😉

  8. Thanks for the great demo video. Does anyone know what model number is the Worx in this video?

  9. Truly a wonderful video. Altruistic man with time on his hands shares his hard work to an admiring viewer. Thank you.

  10. Guten Tag! Ich habe noch nie so ein Test gesehen, wie diesen! Warum der Andreas so ein Mist beschreibt, ist mir unverständlich! Solche Test sollte man nicht mehr zulassen. Er hat hier offentsichtlich nur seinem Arbeitgeber einen Gefallen getan. Für sowas würde ich mich nicht hin geben!!! Andreas, schönen Gruß an Deinem Arbeitgeber "Worx", hast Du schön gemacht. Der Test sollte von einem Profi gemacht werden. Gardena hat das nicht verdient, der ist auf alle Fälle anders als in Deinem Test! Schade überhaupt, für diesen Test.LG Siegmar

  11. Just wondering as these are fairly expensive, which one rates best against theft protection 🙂

  12. This looks like a false comparison, but a real advertising! For the first part of the test, the wrong thing about the Gardena is that is goes back and forth, but suddenly it moves on straight but not straight enough. I hope one day, disguised advertising will be banned from youtube and other channels

  13. Finally, the English version is there. A special thanks to Jennifer for providing her beautiful voice!

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