In this video, I will be showing you how to use an esp8266 programmed with Arduino code and the adafruit neopixel/neomatrix libraries to control 2 8×32 LED panels.

I plan to use these scrolling text LED signs to warn drivers behind me not to put it in my butt.

I do a little bit of arts and crafts, we have story time, and I show you how to work with toxic metals at extremely high temperatures.

Check out my new website:


LED Panel:

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Thanks for the watching

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Twitter: @jcmkyoutube




  1. This is fantastic, would there to any way to save the last message, so it would startup automatically?
    Really this is amazing work.

  2. Hi I just tried this and my config was little different but figured it all out i used a ESP2866, ws2812 led strips, 7 rows of 60 leds, starting top left, to top right, top to bottom. My Question is What is the easiest way to make the text not scroll? Thinking of putting sensor on back of my car for distance then have that trigger messages as to how close the person behind me is… Thanks for any help

  3. You should remake that arduino visualiser video and show the first method too.
    The instructions are not clear in that video.
    I tried to remake the fist method but only 2-3 led light up from the right but in your video it lights up from the middle.

  4. Man this video reminds me of the old YouTube, were you could make crude and satire content. Sure you can do that now but YouTube wont reccomend those videos to anyone and or you'll just get demonatized. It's stupid, not everything has to be family friendly and you shouldn't punish or disabling people from making the content they want.

  5. this is golden! your on your way sir.. thank you! I came for the duck wifi. I'm subscribing for the like minded comedy and informational meat and potato's. (too many highlights I died at the music cue. yo your nice on the keys)

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