A quick tear down of a solar rechargeable yard light. These can be connected in a series to power up an outdoor device or be used as a portable solar battery pack. I did a bit more research and found that the 4 pin device is an ASIC LED driver made specifically for solar LED lights.
Here’s another video with an explanation of this device:

Be sure to check out these other “Nerd Thunder” contributors on YouTube.
Jeri Ellsworth: https://www.youtube.com/user/jeriellsworth
Becky Stern: https://www.youtube.com/user/bekathwia
Ben Krasnow: https://www.youtube.com/user/bkraz333
John Schuch: https://www.youtube.com/user/HackersBenchTV
Darren Landrum: https://www.youtube.com/user/dmlandrum
Joe Grand: https://www.youtube.com/user/kingpinempire
Mark VandeWettering: https://www.youtube.com/user/brainwagon

, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rkcLip61L0E/hqdefault.jpg



  1. Thanks for the video! So I had a quick hack project I got stumped with. My friend wanted her yard lights like these switched out to a color changing LED. I was able to find some that work with 3-3.3V but I wasn't able to get it to light up. The AA battery isn't enough to power the LED. What could I do to increase the voltage for the LED without frying the circuit. What can I do to modify the circuit and get the color changing RGB LED to light up. Light is small and won't allow for another AA battery. I was thinking using two 2/3 AA or a small rechargeable 3v lipo mini pack. What do you think?

  2. There are so many more efficient ways to do what he is trying to do. I personally use a motion sensor door bell to tell me when the animals are active outside so I can photograph them.

  3. Hi, brought 1000 led fairy lights system (solar), for the first week they shone brightly. Over the second week, weather was overcast, hence, the brilliance of the lights greatly reduced. Is there a way to combine the solar pack with another to ensure there is sufficient energy, regardless of the weather? Love to hear from you. Regards Claudio

  4. They have these at the dollar general for $1 I was searching for how to take them apart to make a portable charger so I'm hoping this helps.

  5. Hi
    I have 30 solar garden lights and 1x12v 50w solar panel.
    Now what i want to do is connect all the lighta to the solar panel on my garden shed.
    How would i go about doing this so all the lights have their batteries recharge instead of using their own panels

  6. I have a question how can I connect a 12v led strip and make it solar without buying all the tech stuff and having boxes screwed in my shed.

  7. the green thing is an inductor or supposed to be. One more thing replace the green inductor with a bifilar coil that has one coil across it. The output goes through a diode bridge back to the battery or capacitor. This is a crude joule looper.

  8. I am running 555 timers off of $1.00 garden light circuits.
    You won't know until you watch my commercial free stuff.

  9. Is it possible to hook just the solar to each other and use one of those boards to power say 10 leds and an small battery bank of those 1.2 batteries?

  10. Glad some viewers comments explained what the circuit is doing, poor prep / lack of knowledge is clearly evident!

  11. Nearly all solar garden lights are a form of a Joule thief currently. The inductor and the four pin component create an oscillator allowing the led to run for a very long time on voltage from a battery below their voltage rating. That said, wonderful idea and thank you for your content, this nerd thunder business is fantastic!

  12. Hello sir I have a seeburg ay160 jukebox that needs the tormat selector unit rebuilt. Is that something you would be interested in? Thanks

  13. I think that the component you assumed was a resistor is actually an inductor, and the 4 pin part is actually a boost converter. The reason I say this is because I'm pretty sure you can't light a white LED with 1.2 volts. White LEDs are usually blue LEDs with a yellow phouspher coating. Blue LEDs usually require over 3.5 volts to light.

    Great vid though, I'm interested in seeing how this project goes.


  14. those circuits are usually like a joule thief to get as much out of a battery as possible

  15. This is great… Though wouldn't a sensor to let you know the seeds were low (enough to let a bird in) be a better solution? Or perhaps just a coarse wire-mesh in the slot to let seeds through, but keep birds out?

  16. Wow, kind of off put on this video as it was absolutely not technical and you did not appear to understand the circuit or the lingo. However for inspiration "joule theif" or "boost converter" is the basic idea of the circuit. None the less on the less technical side just clip off one leg of the led and keep this exactly the way you have it as it will offer plenty of battery backup for the dreary days and nights. Maybe add a couple extra panels for you can use a basic voltage regulator to control your output voltage. And your in business.

  17. Will there ever be anymore projects on motorcycles or cars, I love your steady method of working through everything.

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