WARNING: Adding a heat sink will short the circuit. The body of the transistor is positive voltage, and the heat sink will be grounded through the mounting screws.

Powerful wheel and controller you can use in a robot project.
350 watts for about $40!!!!

Amazon and eBay and TomTop and Aliexpress (and the list goes on), have a generic brushless motor controller that can be used to reperpose Hoverboard wheels. This one has a part number QS-909 but the best way to find it is by the description:
12 to 36 volt 500 watt brushless motor controller. Again, be careful not to short the body of the transistor to ground by mounting the circuit to exposed metal.

The circuit only needs:
24 or 36 volt battery
The hoverboard wheel (eBay ~$25)
The motor controller (~$12)
A 22K potentiometer (a 10K may work and are easy to find)

Next, I need to control it with an arduino.

, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kbsE_kjdLKA/hqdefault.jpg



  1. does this board control the position of the wheel? I mean if you program the microcontroller and depending what is been read it can run in close loop?

  2. Ola , pode usar esse controller apenas em rádio control para controlar esses motores ?

  3. I think there is a problem. the motor should not run so loudly. I guess the ignition error. Try swap only the yellow and blue (or green) wires. also hall sensor wires

  4. hello great video congratulations !!!

    could you tell me if can control the direction of rotation with pwm + – signals?

  5. Please correct me if I’m wrong but if I understand it correctly one direction is ZF to ground and the other direction is interrupt the signal to ground with a switch?

  6. I have followed your wiring only difference is I only have a 10k pot to use. But getting nothing when powered up. Any idea what im doing wrong?

  7. Danke, das ist die erste praktische Anleitung die auch funktioniert Ohne komplizierte Hardware.

  8. Is there hall sensor must to attach with board to run the board. Use of hall sensor conector necessary?

  9. Can you record response to full throttle? Did you notice any slow rump up? Can you send link where did you find that controller, the one I bought has slow response to throttle

  10. Dear friend your video is amazing, but I have a doubt, can i connect to the controller a 10s2p 36volts 4.4ah battery of lithium-ion ? I have that doubt because when my battery is fully charge it gives 42v and the controller supports only 36v… Maybe theres a way to connect this controller and the battery when it has full charge, without burning the controller ? I need your HELP, I dont know much of electronic but i want to do an e-scooter with the parts mentioned. Please help me, answer my question

  11. Hello please help me . I am using exactly the same controller , please let me know the right way to connect the heat sink to it, can I use common heat sink , will the MOSFETs get shorted ?

  12. Assalam o Alaikum Hi… This card is run two hoverboard motors at same time please guide and ans me ASAP

  13. All tied to the negative of the hall sensors? Got to be.

  14. Anyone know how the run coils are grounded back to negative? There are 3 wires to the 3 run coils but no return negative wire from the run coils. Just wondering.

  15. Your video was very helpful. I finally got mine working after realizing that the colors of the motor wires and the colors of the hall wires have to match on the driver board. So, for example, if you connect the yellow motor wire to MA, then the yellow hall wire has to go to HA. Once I figured that out, I was able to make it work.

  16. To add a heat sink you can buy mica washers and plastic bolts and nuts, this is what is used on audio amplifiers (and other electronics) for the same reason. I wouldn't use metal bolts (with plastic inserts) because in this case there is not enough clearence. Don't forget the thermal paste.

  17. Hello i wired my controller same as your wiring at: 0:35 and i can not get mine to work at all. Can you please help me? Only different between mine and yours is that i do not have a 20k Pot i only have 100k Pot. Would that be the problem is stops?

  18. hello, how to connect one controller to two controllers and two wheels?

  19. So the wiring is MCA -> yellow (U), MB -> blue (V), MC – green (W), with corresponding HA – yellow, HB – blue and HC – green? (with black ground and red +5V Hall power?)

  20. Short but important question for me: If you are going max speed, then turn the poti down to maybe 20%, will it slow down slowly untl it reaches the 20% by itself? Or will it "break" down to 20% instantly?

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