Can you build an RC remote controller with just an Arduino Uno and a random Wifi module? That is the question this project video answers! Clem got visited by his friend Goofy who is driving RC crawlers in a local trophy series and tasks him with improving his current controller by adding more analog channels and open firmware to allow competitors to freely mod their systems. Clem only uses parts commonly found in a makers workshop such as an Arduino Uno, shift registers and some wifi modules to build an RC system from scratch. While it works, he cuts some corners to get latency down, and shows you how to get different microcontrollers to talk to each other over UART and WiFi:

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  1. OpenLRS or OpenTX are both very powerful, open source, full function and then some platforms.
    16 and 32 channel with amazing range on minimal hardware tx and rx both up and down.
    Arduino based. Can run off of an Arduino Pro…

  2. Really love your videos buddy, we have got a small youtube channel as well, would love some support and feedback, also we have a competition going if you like to enter it!

  3. I couldn't read any of the Highlighted code.. Use a IDE with a better color scheme…

  4. If the question is: can we do this with minimum hardware, why don't use a proper esp8266 or esp32 (in stead of a crippled esp8266) module which makes the whole Arduino Uno obsolete and improve speed and reduce latency seriously.

  5. A lot of toys from China use the XN295 (an nRF24-clone) with embedded 8051 MCU for both on the transmitter and receiver side, so 8bits is more than enough. Now, even opentx (open source transmitter) has support for this through the nRF24. Very much possible with less than an Uno.

    Your problem lies mostly with using the Arduino functions as these are very slow due to they are abstracting complexity, and with that introduce unboxing, stack interaction, etc. A more low level approach is suggested.

    Note: made my own wltoys compatible receivers with an nRF and atmega328, so using the T12 Pro transmitter with v202 protocol to operate some tips, like a Lego tank. Could also do the transmitter using the same components, but opentx is already open source..and open hardware designs to run this exist.

  6. I did the SAME, but with an even CHEAPER chip: the ATmega8. No latency problems whatsoever. Just don't stuff the code with useless code. All you need is 2-10 variables to send via the NRF24 module. It's fast.

  7. That's the second video, where the maker quotes a link under the description but there's no such link. The other one was the guy with the ISS tracking. You should either cut off the link quote part, or put the links in the vide description.

  8. Next Iteration (Wishlist)
    Raspberry Pi, LCD touchscreen, and a software defined radio shield.
    You could have the world's first 3D-printed transmitter with an integrated spectrum analyzer

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