Watch how the Husqvarna Automower® robotic lawn mower can give you more free time while giving you a great lawn.

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  1. When your life is already "perfect" you need this fucking robot? What ever happened to just mowing your lawn, sweating, smelling like gasoline and rewarding your efforts with a couple spilled cold beers? The time-honored tradition is losing its soul with this sort of lazy-ass automation. Noooo!

  2. You won't get the neat lines though as this thing cuts in all directions, and two days for an hour job? Seems like overkill.

  3. I've had my Husqvarna for 3+ years and it has been the best purchase I've ever made regarding my lawn. I have more time because of the mower. I originally had a John Deere dual bagger rider. I would not trade my Husqvarna Robotic mower for a brand new rider regardless of the bells and whistles.

  4. in a 1980s movie this could have been a fictitious TV commercial that makes you drool for the future but the product really exists today! soon we'll be going on imaginary vacations to Mars. I'm gonna be a secret agent in my trip there

  5. So if your back yard is fenced off and you need to keep your gates closed because of pets and safety, then what? You can only use this on your back yard?

  6. No where near the tech of robot vacuum.

    Hope it would soon have wifi, lidar, gps etc to draw virtual wall rather than physical wire.

  7. It's all good in a country, but if you live in a city, that's another story. lol

  8. Husqvarna's customer support is absolute garbage. I have made over 6 phone calls and have messaged numerous Husqvarna support staff: Chris S, Marcelo A., Brymond, Barbie, etc. My mower is 18 months old, and it no longer works. Husqvarna customer support has sent me to three locations, and now they are directing me to take it to a fourth location.

    Why? Their database for repair and warranty work isn't current. Someone obviously isn't doing their job.

    We used to love Husqvarna, but times haver changed. It shouldn't take 3 months +, umpteen phone calls/emails, and four locations to simply have this lemon repaired.

    Get your act together!

  9. This is an expensive toy whose time and technology hasn't yet arrived. For example, with the size, shape and general configuration of my lawn areas, I would need an MIT graduate student to figure out the wiring. Then it would take well over a week for the whole lawn to get mowed and that means that some parts would have grown too high and over places over-cut.

  10. How would it mow a treelawn since the guide wires won't be able to be installed under sidewalks? Or, if a front yard is split by a driveway, and the only access to the back is via said driveway and a gate? Tearing up concrete to lay guide wires doesn't seem very practical….

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