Arduino controlled robot car has GPS navigation and a compass for steering. Finds its way back home within 1 to 3 meters. The GPS determines it’s location and the “home” position. Then it finds it’s current heading using the compass and determines a course for “home”, steers in that direction and stops when it reaches it’s destination. This could eventually be used to mow the grass semi-autonomously or many other projects. Stay Tuned!




  1. It's a great job. Can you help me how to use a compass to determine the path of the robot .
    Thank you very much.

  2. sir,

    I am building a autonomous GPS guided lawn mower for my final year undergraduate project. I saw your project through YouTube, So I would like to take your instruction and could you send me what you have done your project (eg.programme code, sensors, other materials…etc.).
    That would help me to do my project as well as I will encourage me to complete the project successfully.

    Thank you.

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