Should you consider turning your grass over to a robot lawn mower? Consumer Reports compares robots from Husqvarna, Worx and Robomow to a Honda self-propelled mower. For additional reviews, tips, and recommendations check us out at and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel:

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  1. The comment about robot mowers shredding grass is only fair for brands with small razor blades & the reason is the blades get dull and their cutting edge is too small for thick grass types. The small razor blades have to be changed about once per month. Those brands should not be used on St. Augustine, Centipede, Zoysa and Kentucky Blue Grass. The only grass they are safe to use on is Fescue. A brand such as Ambrogio (LawnBott) has a blade that can be sharpened. It is razor sharp and has a cutting edge in the 2-3" range. It is made from more durable materials and typically needs to be sharpened only once per year. It is reversible for many models, which can be done mid-season. Ambrogio's blade is suitable for all grass types.

  2. Did you know people waist over 10,000 hours of there lives lawn mowering?

  3. K so… no rating… no recommendation. Just a this is what they do set of comments?
    I guess that's what you get for a free utube video

  4. I guess walking behind a mower for hours at a time is some people's idea of time
    well spent… Solar powered commercial mowers to keep the side of the road cleared has to happen…

  5. Yoh guys –
    Anywhere I can find some basic technical information on how these commonly works ?
    I've had a robotic mower (name not mentioned, name not nagged) that fails to start, even though everything is up to spec pr the book of installation, maintenance and fault findings.
    It appears not to see the field from the boundary wires, like the wire was disconnected, thus it wont start.
    But the wire is OK, approx 3.2 ohms in the circuit and the charger works, as both the charger and the mower itselfs has green "OK" lamps lit.

  6. What planet does CR live on? The Husqvarna cuts with razor blades, nothing cuts grass cleaner! The grass you show was not cut with the robotic mower. My yard is rough and steep, no other mower cuts it like my Husqvarna. Reports like these are why I never subscribe to CR.

  7. Hey dipshits, if the time it takes to set up is less than the time it takes to mow the yard FOR THE LIFETIME OF THE MOWER it's not a relevant metric

  8. Horrible review. You focus on the time it takes to setup the robomowers but don't mention the time it saves you once setup… Seems like this was sponsored by Honda.

  9. Like manual mowers are so hassle free, sure okay. You can definitely see the picture they are trying to paint.

  10. $2400…That's funny.

    Better have a GPS locator in it for when it gets stolen.

  11. This 'review' insults my intelligence. I am forced to draw the conclusion that 'Consumer Reports' is a shill 'news' source, paid to say whatever the highest bidder wishes.

    Shame on you. The rest of your 'Reports' will now be called into question.

  12. I don’t understand why manufacturers are not putting the same size wheels on front and back the mowers may not get stuck if the wheel were the same all away around

  13. This is an industry propaganda, robotic lawn mower have a way better cut than the honda, as they us lots of small raisor blades, the honda i a massive blade that rips the grass.

  14. Hello everyone. Automower installer here in Easley SC. In order to
    understand how the Automower works, you can't compare it to a
    traditional mower because it works differently. Once installed and
    cutting the grass daily for several hours per day (timer depends on the
    yard size, it's complexities and type of grass) It then never has to cut
    tall grass again because the grass never gets a chance to get long.
    Just like any plant, when you cut more than 10% at one time, you keep
    the plant in shock and un-healthy. When the Automower cuts 1/8" to 1/4"
    of the blade length, there are many positive results. The grass gets
    healthier, you never have dead grass laying on top of the lawn, you dont
    get thatch buildup, the tiny bits of grass that do drop, turn into food
    fast and create an even moisture barrier meaning the grass needs less
    watering. There are even some lawn pests like fire ants and moles that
    don't like the daily movement of the Automower, so they leave the area
    being cut. Other benefits include, the lawn is always cut, no more big
    smelly mower in the garage, the maintenance drops to near zero. Instead
    of keeping up with the mechanics of a traditional mower, (oil, filter,
    spark plugs, gas ETC) Your maintanence becomes about $12 per year in new
    blades and you change them with a phillips head screwdriver. If you do
    need your dealer, the current heaviest model (cuts 1-1/4 acre) weighs 30
    pounds. Just put it in your trunk and take it to the dealer. After 2
    years of selling and installing the Automower, the only ones we've had
    come in are damage from outside sources.
    All this said, Automower is
    not for everyone or every property. If you love to ride or push a mower,
    Automower is not for you. Some grass types are too much for the current
    models (the company is working on those) It cuts random, so no
    striping. (although, even customers who were concerned with lines, are
    very happy with the carpet-like appearance the Automower offers)
    mower does do what the manufacturer claims. It's funny to read what
    folks who have no experience have to say about this 23 year old
    technology. Yep, Husqvarne has been selling them since 1995. Now that
    there is an app that connects the owner to the mower, sales are blowing
    up. With a 60 day money back satisfaction guarantee, most folks should
    be able to consider the chance that the product is the real deal.
    I liken it to the microwave, folks didn't think they wanted one, once owned, they do not want to be without it.
    Happy mowing.
    Easley Lawn and Garden

  15. How do you even sharpen the blades? And does it break easily? cuz that thing looks delicate

  16. So in other words…get off your lazy ass ..get exercise and save money for a better quality job done…

  17. These are horrid, they are killing hedghogs and critters, and have no business mowing and cutting anything without man held control. Cruel robot, Ban them!

  18. I seen one of these running around a yard, while at one of my stops along my truck route. Looks like an aimless bump and go type thing and it gets stuck a lot.. glad i didn't pay for one… is this the glorious future we envisioned as kids?

  19. They never show the robot actually cutting the grass. If I don't see it pe doing the actual job before and after with no editing it doesn't make me buy it.

  20. A drone for just as much money can navigate in three dimensions (not two), avoid obstacles at 15 miles per hour, identify people, track a direction, and much more (4k video). 14 year olds, in robotics classes, make robots that navigate and fight each other in completion while stacking blocks, and gathering balls in bins. These mowers are not serious robots. They are 1980 tech toys. Put the robot on a standard mower for power, standardization, and manufactring efficiency. Then let the robot watch you mow your yard one time, and let it do it better for years after that. You can still mow manually, take it some place else for infrequent mowing, use it for commerical applications on 50 homes, let the homeowners association mow 50 homes and keep you out the process entirely. These mowers are 25 years past what is technically available now.

  21. Seems like this video comes to you courtesy of Honda… Why even compare two completely different kinds of mowers? Ridiculous.

  22. How do they do if you have some standing water in the yard?  Can they deal with low hanging limbs of a pine trees?  Can they deal with larger lawns, can you use several at one time working as a teem?

  23. CR is such a joke. Comparing robo mowers to push mowers is apples to oranges and therefore makes no sense. Does CR think its readers/viewers don't know the difference b/w a robo mower and a push mower? This video made me laugh… and reminded me why I don't sub to CR.

  24. I've never seen such a bad review of robotic lawn mowers. The beginning is laughable: you start up the manual mower and complain that the robotic mower needs a few hours of installation. Come on, you only need to do that once. You need to assemble a manual mower too, you need to fuel it (didn't see that in the video) and once it is set up, the robotic mower doesn't need any attention. Does your manual Honda mow your lawn when you are on holiday, or do you have to bother your neighbours to do that? Count the hours you spend mowing your lawn with the manual lawn mower and see the hours you save each week for many many years.

    But that is what you get when you let "grandpa" do the review. He probably reasons rotary dial phones are superior to smartphones because they don't function directly after plugging in and the smartphone requires a sim card, charge time, entering a pin code and searching for a signal before they function 😛

  25. Bought a worx robot 2 years ago. People pulling their cars over to take a closer look. People stopping by to ask if it's worth it.
    I tell them take a look at my lawn. I save almost $1,500 a year on lawn service. It's not perfect, but the money saved fits in my bank account perfectly. Freshly cut lawn by a riding mower definitely looks much better, but the money saved in my account is definitely making me feel better.

  26. What the hell was that?  It basically says robotic mowers suck, just mow it yourself.  Useless.

  27. Anyone know if there is a robot lawn mower that uses sensor stakes instead of a wire?

  28. If you can make these things work in combination with a powderized fence for them that would also act as a insect barrier but you would play sit around the yard where you don't want them to go flower beds Etc it would have a radioactive type field on it and nothing dangerous of course nothing more than maybe cat litter is type of Diatomaceous Earth bugs have a Tennessee to die with it in it but you and circle the yard where you want these mowers to mow and you have a fleet of them in a trailer I'm talking a lawn mowing service utilizing robots and that would leave the human one human able to do multiple yards relatively quickly programmed designs in the lawn line trimming and weeding in a very short time idea for the robot lawnmower designers

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