Arduino wheelchair robot using a PING))) ultrasonic range finder to determine distance and roam autonomously. The robot also has a few manual commands programed in at specific distances.




  1. Hello!!!! 

    I'm from Brazil, and I need some help. Could you please explain to me how you drew the electrical circuit? May Arduino can be installed in the output of the wheelchair joystick?

    Best Regards,

    Thiago Lima.
    + 55 14 9 96133216

  2. Hi and congrats on your robot. I'm planning to use the same motor controller with the arduino. Would you mind sharing the code that controls the motor driver please?

  3. @navic209 Thanks, Navic. We've switched to the Dimension Engineering Sabertooth 2X25. We were using 2 Parallax HB-25's. But this one is way better (more flexible, higher current and voltage max) and onlt about 25 extra dollars because you only need to buy one instead of 2. Carries a person no problem, so we are going to try this controller out on a few experimental vehicles coming up.

  4. Amazing! I've been waiting to see this video! Awesome work, I really like the idea of using distances as different commands – genius! What motor controller are you guys using?

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