1. can you help me how to connect Arduino with hoover board wiring diagram and code for Arduino for speed control

  2. Any chance you can tell me how you control 2 vesc to steer right and left ? Have been searching for hours .

  3. Are there any option to get pulse signal that represents the wheel rotation and direction? So I don't need any additional rotary encoder.

  4. Awsome video, If u have some time I need your help please. I´m trying to adapt a hoverboard to my wheelchair to make an electric wheelchair because I can´t afford one.
    I´d like to know how to control the hoverboard with a joystick. Thank u very much!!!

  5. Can i buy 2 off these from you what i mean by that is u pre program it all for me so i can controll 2 motors with a ps3 controller

  6. Do you have a configuration where the hoverboard is able to move at slow/low RPM and run smooth? I have my motors and the Flipsky 4.12 set up in FOC mode. All I get is full stop and full speed..some times i can get a slower speed, but there is very little torque. But in general the motor is crunchy sounding and not smooth. Any suggestions?

  7. One more Question. Did you have to set the poles in VESC? I think the default is like 7 and hoverboard motors are usually 15. Or is this all automatic in VESC? Thanks in advance.

  8. hey awesome job, i’m trying to use the vesc for an arduino project too and i was wondering if you know how to arm the vesc in the arduino code. I want to control the motor with a sensor wired to my arduino. I have everything wired correctly and i believe my code should work but it isn’t. i later realized no code involving turning the motor at all is working and it might be because i didn’t arm the vesc correctly in the beginning of the code. The vesc, motor, and battery works and i tested that in the vesc program with running the motor with the arrow keys after customizing the settings. Is there any way you could help

  9. Can you explain how you connected the hall effects wires to the VESC? I.E. the wire colors from the wheel and where they match on the controller? Thanks.

  10. Hey. Thanks for the video. I've bought 4 of these hub motors and plan to build a robot. Now I'm searching for appropriate ESCs with brake and reverse functionality. Flipsky VESCs seem to be the best for the purpose but they are bloody expensive. 2x dual VESCs will cost around $320. Maybe you can suggest cheaper alternatives with brake and reverse functionality?

  11. I read on the product description that these controllers have no reverse. How are you able to reverse? If so then they are no use for a robot. I am looking for controllers for my hover board motor powered robot rover too.

  12. Can you help me with programming in arduino to use an e-bike controller by means of a radio control in the Hoverboard motors?

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